Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1


jasmine (aromatherapy), 124
jet lag, alternative therapies,
Jin Shin Do, 155
development of, 156
meridians, 158
microsystems, 158-161
mind-body connections, 160
Jin Shin Jyutsu, 155, 161
development of, 156
meridians, 158
microsystems, 158-160
mind-body connections, 160
jing, 40
Jourard, Sidney, 143
journaling (dreamwork), 234
Jung, Carl, 216, 229-231
juniper (aromatherapy), 124

K - L

Kabat-Zinn, Dr. Jon, 201-203
kahunas, 70
Kapha doshas, 53, 56
balancing, 67
composite body types, 54-55
determining, 64-66
imbalances, 57-63
kava, herbal medicine, 92
ketones (aromatherapy), 119
Kleitman, Dr. Nathaniel, 229
Krieger R.N., Ph.D., Dolores,
Krieger-Kunz Method of
Therapeutic Touch, 168
Kriya Yoga, goals of, 190
Kundalini Yoga, goals of, 190

labor pains, alternative thera-
pies, 334
lavender (aromatherapy), 124
Law of Infinitesimals (home-
opathy), 107-108
Law of Similars (homeopa-
thy), 107-109
Laws of Suggestion, 216-219
lemon balm (aromatherapy),
lemon grass (aromatherapy),
life forces, 21
chakras, 22-25
defining, 9
Ling, Peter, 147
“listeners” (Native American
medicine), 74
listening and smelling (TCM
diagnostic methods), 42
liver disease, alternative ther-
apies, 334
locus of healing (energy-
balancing therapies), 171
long-term health care facili-
ties, AAT (Animal-Assisted
Therapy), 307-309
love, projecting (religious
healing), 279
love for self and others (reli-
gious healing), 276
low energy emission therapy,
lower world (shamanism),
lucid dreaming, 233


“magnetic field deficiency
syndrome”, 284
magnetic fields (BEM)
electromagnetic fields, 283
endogenous magnetic fields,
exogenous magnetic fields,
geomagnetic fields, 285
resonance, 287
sleep, 286
magnetic poles (BEM), 292
magnetic therapies, 288-289
amputation, 319
arthritis, 293, 320
back pain, 322
burns (minor), 323
carpal tunnel syndrome, 293,
chest congestion, 324
circulation (poor), 325
depression, 327
earth energy absorption exer-
cises, 293
energy imbalance, 329
feet, 293
fibromyalgia, 330
inflammation, 333
insomnia, 334
magnetic poles, 292
pain management, 337
pain treatment, 292
sprains/strains, 340
surgery, 341
Maharishi Mahesh Yoga, 190
majja, 55
“making medicine”, 70
malas, 53-55
mamsa, 55
mandala meditations,
Walking Mandala, 204

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