Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

manipulation. Seechiroprac-
tic therapies
Mantra Yoga, goals of, 190
mantras, meditation, 204
Many Lives, Many Masters,
marjoram (aromatherapy),
marma therapy (Ayurveda),
massage therapies, 141
AIDS, 318
amputation, 319
anxiety, 319
Ayurveda treatments, 63
back pain, 322
benefits of, 146
cancer, 324
carpal tunnel syndrome, 324
circulation (poor), 325
colic, 326
development of, 142-143
energy imbalance, 329
executive massage, 149
fascia, 145
feet (tired), 329
fluid retention, 330
full body massages, 151
hypertension, 332
immune system enhance-
ment, 332
infant massage, 142, 150,
market trends, 143
mini-massages, 151
muscle soreness, 336
pain management, 337
partner massages, 151-152
physical benefits of, 146
pregnancy, 152
Rolfing, 149
self-massage, 150
Shiatsu massage, 148
skin, function of, 144-145
sports massage, 148-149
Swedish massage, 147-148

TCM (Traditional Chinese
Medicine) treatments, 46
tension, 342
Thai massage, 149
therapist licensing require-
ments, 144
touch, as form of communi-
cation, 143-145
treatments, 151-153
trigger points, 145, 148, 337
Stephanie, 267
McClure, Vimala Schneider,
meda, 55
medicine bags (Native
American medicine), 74
medicine bundles (shaman-
ism), 262
medicine objects (Native
American medicine), 74
medicine people, 71-73
Medicine Wheels (Native
American medicine), 72, 74
adverse effects of, 208
alcoholism, 319
amethysts, 291
anxiety, 319
asthma, 321
attention, 203
Ayurveda treatments, 62-63
benefits of, 205
body scan, 210
breathing meditation, 212
Buddhist meditation, 206
cancer, 324
certification processes, 202
chloresterol (high), 325
components of, 202
concentration, 203
depression, 327
development of, 202
focus words, 208-210
goals of, 202
heart disease, 331

hypertension, 332
infertility, 333
insomnia, 334
mandala, 204
mantras, 204
meditative states, 203
menopause, 335
Mindfulness, 206-207
moving meditations, 207
om, 204
PMS, 338
posture, 211
practice exercises, 208-211
progressive relaxation, 210
shanti, 204
stress, 341
surgery, 341
tension, 342
Tibetan meditation, 207
TM (Transcendental
Meditation), 206
versus hypnotherapy, 216
walking, 207, 212
Walking Mandala, 204
Zen meditation, 212
meditative prayer (religious
healing), 277
memories, hypnotherapy, 219
memory loss, alternative
therapies, 334
Menninger Foundation, 170
menopause, alternative ther-
apies, 335
menstrual discomfort, alter-
native therapies, 335
mental benefits of message
therapy, 146
mental body layer (auric
fields), 26
mentastics, 253
Mentgen, R.N., B.S.N., Janet,
AMI machines, 28
Applied Kinesiology, 179

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