Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

Applied Kinesiology treat-
ment methods, 183
hsuehs, 27
microsystems, 158-160
pressure-point therapies, 158
qi, 27
Mesmer, Franz Anton, 216
microsystems, pressure-point
therapies, 158-160
migraine headaches
alternative therapies, 335
hypnotherapy, 222
milk thistle, herbal medicine,
Miller, Neal, 242
Mindfulness (meditation),
mini-massages, 151
mint, herbal medicine, 94
“mixer” chiropractors, 132
monkeys (T’ai Chi), 250
monkshood (aconitum),
homeopathy, 113
morality, illness, 270-273
morning sickness, alternative
therapies, 336
“mother tinctures” (home-
opathy), 107
motion palpation exams (chi-
ropractic diagnostic meth-
ods), 136
Mountain Pose (Yoga), 198
movement therapies
Alexander Technique, 251,
Feldenkrais Method, 251-254
goals of, 248
posture, 248
Qigong, 249-250, 253-256
T’ai Chi, 249-256
Trager Approach, 252-254
moving meditations, 207
Mowrey, Daniel, 97

moxibustion, 46
Murai, Master Jiro, 156
muscle soreness, alternative
therapies, 336
Ayurveda treatments, 63
musical therapy, 19
rhythm, 18-19
myofascial release,
sprains/strains, 340
Myss, Caroline, 26


NASA, crystal cards, 289
NASTAT (North American
Society of Teachers of the
Alexander Technique), 251
National Acceditation
Commission for Schools and
Colleges of Acupuncture
and Orinetal Medicine, 157
National Center for
Complementary and
Alternative Medicine, 14,
National Center for
Homeopathy, 106
National Institutes of Health,
Native American medicine
chanting, 75
circles, significance of, 71
diagnostic methods, 74
drumming, 75
healing touch, 77
health, view of, 73
herbs, 77
illness, view of, 73
medicine objects, 74
medicine people, role of, 73
Medicine Wheels, 72-74
number four, significance of,
peyote, 78

Pipe ceremonies, 76
Sacred Hoops, 72
shamans, 71
sings, 76
smudging, 75
spirtual foundation of, 70
sweatlodges, 75
treatments, 74-79
vision quests, 76
“nature identical” oils (aro-
matherapy), 122
athlete’s foot, 321
development of, 100
diagnosis methods, 103
diseases, causes of, 102
health, view of, 102
iatrogenic illnesses, 101
licensing physicians, 100
physicians as teachers, 102
theory of, 101
treatment methods, 103-104
nausea, alternative therapies,
naval chakras. Seesexual
NCCA (National Commission
for the Certification of
Acupuncturists), 157
NCI (National Cancer
Institute), herbal medicine,
negative thinking, Native
American medicine treat-
ments, 79
neroli (aromatherapy), 125
neti (Yoga), 297
neurolymphatic points
Applied Kinesiology treat-
ment methods, 183
combined manual therapies,
neuromagnetic stimulation,

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