Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
360 PMS

PMS, alternative therapies,
pneuma, 22, 29
poison ivy (rhus toxicoden-
dron), homeopathy, 113
Poison Ivy/Oak, alternative
therapies, 337
poison nut (nux vomica),
homeopathy, 113
Polarity Therapy, 177
development of, 178
diagnostic methods, 180-181
energy imbalance, 329
nutrition, 183-184
treatment methods, 183
polarity. See alsoyin and
poles (BEM), 292
poor circulation, alternative
therapies, 325
positive expectations (reli-
gious healing remedies),
positive thinking, Native
American medicine, 79
chiropractic therapies, 138
meditation, 211
movement therapies, 248
poultices (herbal medicine),
power animals (shamanism),
prana, 22, 28-29. See alsochi;
pranayama, 62
prayer, 270-272, 277-279
precognitive dreaming, 233
labor pains, alternative thera-
pies, 334
massage therapy, 152
morning sickness, alternative
therapies, 336

sweat baths, 297
Yoga, 199
prescription drugs, herbal
medicine compatibility, 95
pressure point therapies, 155
acupressure, 164
acupuncture, 161
carpal tunnel syndrome, 163,
development of, 156
diagnostic methods, 160
energy imbalance, 329
foot massages, 163
goals of, 158
headaches, 162
hiccups, 163
Jin Shin Do, 161
Jin Shin Jyutsu, 161
licensing requirements, 157
meridians, 158
microsystems, 158-160
migraine headaches, 335
mind-body connections, 160
osteoarthritis, 336
pain management, 337
philosophy of, 157
reflexology, 161
sprains/strains, 340
symptoms, defining, 161
symptoms, diagnosing, 157
U.S. accredited institutions,
processes (spinal vertebrae),
progressive relaxation, 210
projecting love (religious
healing), 279
prostate enlargement, alter-
native therapies, 338
psoriasis, alternative thera-
pies, 338
psychological imagery
(Guided Imagery), 223
“public nudity” nightmares,

pulsatilla (windflower),
homeopathy, 113
“pure essential oils” (aro-
matherapy), 122
purification therapy,
Ayurveda treatments, 64
purpose in life (religious
healing remedies), 275


qi, 22, 37, 40. See alsoprana
Five Phases Theory, 38
meridians, 27
movement therapies, 248
Qigong, 249-250, 253-256
T’ai Chi, 249-256
tan diens, 28
tan t’ien, 255
Qigong. See alsoT’ai Chi;
balance problems, 322
cancer, 324
development of, 249
fatigue, 329
Guo Lin Gong, 249
hypertension, 332
immune system enhance-
ment, 332
instruction, 250, 253
sample exercises, 255-256
tan t’ien, 255
TCM (Traditional Chinese
Medicine) treatments, 47
Wild Goose Qigong, 249
quantitative research para-
digms (conventional medi-
cine), 12
quartz crystals
BEM (Bioelectromagnetics),
meditation, 291
Pink Bubble guided imagery,
shamanism, 262

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