Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

quiet state (dreamwork), 229
Quinn R.N., Ph.D., Janet, 168,


Raja Yoga, goals of, 190
rakta, 55
rasa, 55
rashes (heat), alternative
therapies, 331
reality (shamanism), 262
reflexology, 155, 161
arthritis, 320
asthma, 321
back pain, 322
colds, 325
coughs, 327
development of, 156
ear infections, 328
ears, 160
fatigue, 329
feet, 158
feet (tired), 329
hands, 160
menstrual discomfort, 335
meridians, 158
microsystems, 158-160
mind-body connections, 160
PMS, 338
sciatica, 339
sinus problems, 339
sore throat, 340
Reiki, 168, 171, 175
anxiety, 319
broken bones, 323
depression, 327
development of, 168
energy imbalance, 329
nausea, 336
pain management, 337
sprains/strains, 340
tension, 342
training, 169
treatment methods, 174

relaxation response (religious
healing remedies), 273
relaxation techniques
anxiety, 319
TCM (Traditional Chinese
Medicine) treatments, 49
religion, roll of physicians,
religious healing, 276
aesthetics of worship, 274
confession and absolution,
faith, 270-272, 279
healthful living, 274
illness, view of, 270–273
love for self and others, 276
medicine, 270-271
positive expectations, 276
prayer, 270-272, 277-279
projecting love, 279
purpose in life, 275
relaxation response, 273
remedies, 273-275
rituals, 275
shared beliefs, 275
support networks, 274
turning over to a Higher
Power, 275
whole-being worship, 274
REM (rapid eye movement)
sleep, 229-230
deprivation of, 231
nightmares, 232
renovating your day (self-
hypnosis techniques), 224
resident animal, 309
resonance (BEM), 287
respiratory resistance
biofeedback, 243
Reston, James, 156
retaining fluids, alternative
therapies, 330
reverse breathing (T’ai Chi),

rheumatoid arthritis, musical
therapy, 19
rhus toxicodendron (poison
ivy), homeopathy, 113
rhythmic processes, 18
ritual prayer (religious heal-
ing), 277
rituals (religious healing
remedies), 275
Rolf, Ida P., 149
Rolfing, 149
root chakras, characteristics
of, 24
rose (aromatherapy), 125
aromatherapy, 125
herbal medicine, 94
rosewater (aromatherapy
treatment examples),
Rossi, Ernest, 234
ruach, 29


Sacred Hoops (Native
American medicine), 72
sacroiliac joints (chiropractic
therapies), 133
sandalwood (aromatherapy),
saw palmetto, herbal medi-
cine, 92
SCEH (Society for Clinical and
Experimental Hypnosis), 217
schizophrenia, meditation,
Schweitzer, Albert, 267
sciatica, alternative therapies,
Scientific Validation of Herbal
Medicine, 97

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