Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

scrapes, alternative thera-
pies, 318
“seat of prana”, 28
selenium, herbal medicine, 92
self-hypnosis techniques
pink bubble technique, 225
renovating your day, 224
shrinking antagonistic forces,
self-massage, 150
service dogs, 310
sesquiterpenes (aromathera-
py), 119
sexual chakras, characteristics
of, 24
sexual dysfunction, alterna-
tive therapies, 339
shallow breathing, 30
shamanism, 70, 259
aromatherapy, 117
biomedicine, 267
cancer, 267
cosmologies, 263-264
Creator, relationship to, 71
development of, 260
dreamwork, 228
drums, 265, 267
environmental harmony, 261
group healing ceremonies,
health, view of, 264
illness, view of, 264
imagination, 263
initiation, 260-261
instruction, 267
medicine bundles, 262
OSC (Ordinary State of
Consciousness), 262
personal power, 262, 267
power animals, 263
quartz crystals, 262
role of, 73
shamanic journeys, 265-267
soul loss, 264
soul retrieval, 264
spirit guides, 264

SSC (Shamanic State of
Consciousness), 262-265
teacher plants, 265
Vision Quests, 261
shanti meditations, 204
shared beliefs (religious heal-
ing remedies), 275
shen, 40
Shen Nong, 36
Shiatsu massage, 148, 329
shingles, alternative thera-
pies, 339
shrinking antagonistic forces
(self-hypnosis techniques),
shukra, 55
siberian ginseng, TCM
(Traditional Chinese
Medicine) treatments, 45
Simonton, Dr. O. Carl, 267
sings (Native American medi-
cine), 76
sinus problems, alternative
therapies, 339
Ayurveda, 58
dry skin, alternative thera-
pies, 340
function of, 144-145
magnetic fields, 286
paralysis, 230
“sleep spindles”, 230
SMT (spinal manual therapy),
smudging, 75
solar plexus chakras, 24, 28
sore muscles, alternative
therapies, 336
sore throat, alternative thera-
pies, 340
soul loss (shamanism), 264

soul retrieval (shamanism),
space element (Ayurveda), 52
spinal subluxation (chiroprac-
tic therapies), 132-135
spirit guides (shamanism),
spiritual guides, 20-21
spiritual healing, 276
aesthetics of worship, 274
confession and absolution,
faith, 270-272, 279
healthful living, 274
illness, view of, 270-273
love for self and others, 276
medicine, 270-271
positive expectations, 276
prayer, 270-272, 277-279
projecting love, 279
purpose in life, 275
relaxation response, 273
remedies, 273-276
rituals, 275
shared beliefs, 275
support networks, 274
turning over to a Higher
Power, 275
whole-being worship, 274
spiritual imagery (Guided
Imagery), 224
spiritus, 29
sports massage, 148-149, 337
sprains, alternative therapies,
SSC (Shamanic State of
Consciousness), 262-265
St. Ignatius bean (ignatia),
homeopathy, 113
St. John’s wort, herbal medi-
cine, 92
Standards of Practice for
Animal-Assisted Activities
and Animal-Assisted
Therapy, 304

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