Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

“standing like a tree” stance
(T’ai Chi), 254
“star gazers” (Native
American medicine), 74
steam inhalation, as detoxify-
ing therapy, 300
Stone, Randolph, 178
“straight” chiropractors, 132
strains, alternative therapies,
alternative therapies, 341
breath, 30
deep breathing, 30
relief exercises, combined
manual therapies, 184
stretching. SeeYoga
subconscious mind (hyp-
hypnotic suggestion,
memories, 219
trance states, 217-221
subluxation (chiropractic
therapies), 132, 135
Subtle Energy, 170
succussion (homeopathy),
suffering, role in spirituality,
Sun Si Mian, 36
sunburns, alternative thera-
pies, 341
acne, 318
ADD (Attention Deficit
Disorder), 321
AIDS, 318
allergies, 318
Alzheimer’s Disease, 319
arthritis, 320
athlete’s foot, 321
bruises, 323
canker sores, 324

cholesterol (high), 325
colds, 325
depression, 327
diarrhea, 328
fatigue, 329
fibromyalgia, 330
heart disease, 331
hypertension, 332
immune system enhance-
ment, 332
infertility, 333
memory loss, 334
menopause, 335
menstrual discomfort, 335
osteoarthritis, 337
osteoporosis, 337
PMS, 338
prostate enlargement, 338
tinnitus, 342
urinary tract infection, 342
viral infection, 333
weight control, 342
support networks (religious
healing remedies), 274
surgery, alternative thera-
pies, 341
sweat baths (hydrotherapy),
sweating, as detoxifying
therapy, 300
sweatlodges, 75
Swedish massage, 147-148
symptoms, homeopathic
diagnostic classification, 109
synergistic blends (aro-
matherapy), 123
szu-chen, 41-43


T’ai Chi, 207. See alsochi;
balance problems, 322
depression, 327
development of, 249-250
horse-riding stance, 254

hypertension, 332
instruction, 250, 253
monkeys, 250
reverse breathing, 251
sample exercises, 255-256
“standing like a tree” stance,
tan t’ien, 255
techniques, 254
Yang, 250
Takata, Hawayo, 169
tan diens, 28
tan t’ien (qi), 255
tang kuei, TCM (Traditional
Chinese Medicine) treat-
ments, 45
tannins, herbal medicine, 86
Tantra Yoga, goals of, 190
energy, 21
“three vital treasures”, 40
tapotement (Swedish mas-
sage), 148
TCES (transcranial electros-
timulation), 288
TCM (Traditional Chinese
Medicine), 35
acupuncture, 46
chi, 37
deep breathing, 49
development of, 36
diet, 44, 48
diagnostic methods, 41-43
five directions, 39-40
Five Phases Theory, 38
five seasons, 39-40
funded studies, 47-48
herbs, 45
massage, 46
pressure-point therapies, 158
Qigong, 47
relaxation techniques, 49
“three vital treasures”, 40
treatments, 44-49
yin and yang, 37-38

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