Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

Body Types

Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are present in every cell, tissue, and organ, but each person
is made up of unique ratios of the three doshas. This individual constitution is deter-
mined by genetics, diet, lifestyle, and emotions.
The basic pattern of the Vata type is “changeable.” Vata people are unpredictable
and often start things without finishing them. Stress usually leads to anxiety or fear.
They are responsive to sound and touch and dislike loud noise. Balanced Vata peo-
ple are happy, enthusiastic, and energetic. When out of balance they have a ten-
dency to be impulsive.
The basic pattern of the Pitta type is “intense.” Pitta people are ambitious, outspoken,
bold, orderly, and efficient. They tend to respond to the world visually and enjoy being
surrounded by fine objects. Balanced Pitta people are sweet, joyous, and confident.
The basic pattern of the Kapha type is “relaxed.” Kapha people are stable, steady
people who have a happy, tranquil view of the world. They are graceful people who
wake up slowly, eat slowly, and speak slowly. They respond to the world through
taste and smell and tend to place a great deal of importance on food.
More detailed descriptions of the dosha types, as well as guidance in determining
your dosha type, can be found later in this chapter.

Dosha Composites
According to Ayurveda, the three doshas may appear in different combinations in dif-
ferent people, resulting in ten composite body types, as shown in Table 4.1. Knowing
one’s body type is the key to balancing one’s life in the way that nature intended. This
balance goes beyond physical and mental health and includes personal relationships,
work satisfaction, spiritual growth, and social harmony. As a general rule, the
strongest dosha in one’s constitution has the greatest tendency to increase, making
people most susceptible to illnesses associated with an increase of that dosha.

Table 4.1 Dosha Combinations Result in Distinct Body Types
■ Single dosha types: One dosha is predominant
■ Two-dosha types: One dosha is predominant with a strong secondary dosha
Vata-Pitta, Pitta-Vata
Pitta-Kapha, Kapha-Pitta
Kapha-Vata, Vata-Kapha
■ Three-dosha type: All three doshas are in equal proportions


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