Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
moderately heavy textures and bitter, sweet, and astringent tastes. For an excess of
Kapha, diet recommendations include warm, light food, cooked without much
water; pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes; and a minimum of butter and oil. The
goal of diet management is to achieve the balance of tastes that, for you, will avoid
aggravating any of the doshas and keep them calm and balanced.


In Ayuveda, natural medicines are primarily herbal but may include animal and
mineral ingredients, and even powdered gemstones. Practitioners prescribe thou-
sands of herbs. Like food, herbs are classified according to the six tastes. Herbs, how-
ever, are more potent and specific in their action than food. Some herbs, used for
preventive and regenerative purposes, are readily available. The use of herbs for
treating disease must be medically supervised. As in Traditional Chinese Medicine,
the entire plant is used. It is believed that the plant contains other chemicals that
buffer the active ingredient, thus reducing possible side effects.
Like foods, herbs balance doshas. Vata balancing herbs include ginseng, licorice,
Indian Pennywort, Bala, and Sitopladi. Pitta dosha is balanced by aloe vera, com-
frey root, Indian Gooseberry, and saffron; Kapha dosha by elecampane, honey, and
sitopladi balancing. Herbs usually take longer to work than Western medications
prescribed by practitioners.
Historically, Ayurvedic herbs have had little exposure outside India but are now
becoming more familiar, and available, with the rapid explosion of herbal medicine
in North America. Sitopladi is a very good herbal formula for colds and flu. Indian
Pennywort (brahmi) enhances a person’s ability to focus mentally and learn new
material. Guggulu is a powerful purifying agent, well known for lowering of blood
cholesterol levels. Shilajit, with its antispasmodic qualities, is effective in acute and
chronic respiratory illnesses. Bala, or Indian Country Mallow, is helpful in all types
of nervous system disorders and certain types of heart disease. These few examples
of herbs give one an idea of how they are used as natural body medicines. Chapter
6, “Herbal Medicine,” presents herbs in more detail. Numerous books on the market
and various Web sites describe the use of herbs in alternative medicine.


According to Ayurveda, exercise should conform to one’s dosha type. Kapha people
can perform moderately heavy exercise such as aerobics, running, dancing, and
weight training. Because of their physical strength, Kaphas excel at endurance
sports. Pitta people, who have more drive than endurance and an intense competi-
tive spirit, should have a moderate amount of exercise. Brisk walking or jogging,


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