Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
Simple breathing involves closing the eyes and observing the breath, becoming more
aware of its pattern and changes. Slow, easy breathing is continued for several min-
utes until a sense of relaxation is achieved.


Alternate nostril breathing, Pranayama, is another technique that can ease difficulty in
breathing by making the respiratory rhythm more regular, which in turn soothes the entire
nervous system. Pranayama is helpful prior to meditation because it focuses attention
inward. Pranayama is performed while seated with the eyes closed. Figure 4.3 illustrates the
position. The index and middle fingers of the right hand are placed in between the eye-
brows. The thumb closes the right nostril while the person breathes in through the left nos-
tril. The left nostril is then closed with the ring finger and the right nostril is opened for the
out breath and the next in breath. The right nostril is then closed and the out breath occurs
through the left nostril. After doing a couple of rounds, breathing naturally gets deeper
and smoother.

Many experi-
ence less tension
and increased
relaxation by
focusing on con-
trolled breath-
ing exercises.


An important part of daily life in Ayurveda, meditation is considered a powerful tool
to help maintain health. Meditation is a moment-to-moment awareness that is
cleansing to the body, mind, and spirit. It is finding the quiet in the mind. As the
mind is brought into a silent and receptive state, new energy comes into being,
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