Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1


Panchakarma, or purification therapy, involves five procedures, any or all of which
can be chosen based on the person’s general condition, the season, and the nature
of the disease. The five therapies of Panchakarma are experienced over a period of a
week and involve purifying the body through the use of sweating, emetics, purga-
tives, enemas, and nasal inhalations. Commonly administered by an Ayurvedic
physician with the help of a number of assistants, the benefits of Panchakarma are
relief from long-standing symptoms, renewed health, and extended longevity.

How Can I Get Started with Ayurveda?

Since Ayurveda is a comprehensive philosophy of health, you can begin an
Ayurvedic practice by thinking about therapies you may already be using (herbal
medicine, massage, aromatherapy) within the context of Ayurvedic thought. If you
find that taking an Ayurvedic outlook has positively affected your feelings of health,
you can deepen your involvement in the philosophy of Ayurveda. The resources sec-
tion of this chapter is a great places to start such an investigation.

Determining Your Dosha

The first step to adopting an Ayurvedic perspective on your health is to determine
your dosha type. See Table 4.3 for the checklist and follow these steps to determine
dosha type:
■ Make a check mark next to the description that best describes how you have
been most of your life. If you fall between two descriptions, check both of
■ Consider the qualities carefully. There are no right or wrong answers. Be hon-
est and check how you are, not how you would like to be.
■ Look for lasting trends. For example, if your sleep has been heavy and for
long periods of time most of your life but you are now sleeping light and fit-
fully, the change is likely to be due to imbalance rather than dosha type.
Check your usual pattern.
■ Notice whether each dosha has some checks, because everyone has Vata,
Pitta, and Kapha as part of their body type.
■ Total the number of checks for each dosha. The dosha with the greatest num-
ber should be your body type. If the highest two doshas are close, you are
probably a two-dosha type. If all three dosha scores are close, you have a
three dosha type.


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