Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

People with Vata doshas are drawn to sensory experiences involving movement,
speed, and action, and you may enjoy loud music and computer games. To main-
tain a healthy balance, make an effort to balance those activities with quiet, cre-
ative pursuits such as writing, photography, or painting. Similarly, because you are
attracted to vigorous exercise, try to engage in gentle exercise every day. Remember,
Ayurveda suggests that all exercise be done at one-half of one’s capacity. If you
know that you are exhausted after a 40-minute aerobic class, then you should do
only 20 minutes of the class.

People with Vata doshas enjoy spending their vacations sightseeing, touring, and
filling their days and nights with many activities and returning home exhausted. A
more beneficial vacation would be in a beautiful, sunny, and warm environment
where you rest and limit your activities. If you are a Vata type, your clothes are
mostly dark shades that may reflect a tendency to become depressed. Bright yellow
colors and pastel shades may brighten your mood.

Balancing Pitta Dosha
If you are a Pitta type, you need to loosen up on setting and achieving goals and
learn to enjoy here-and-now moments. You can learn to achieve your ambitions
without pressuring yourself. Your need to organize yourself, and everyone else, must
be kept under control lest you become easily frustrated when things do not go as

You are stimulated by competitive, mentally challenging situations that may
increase your aggression or your determination to win. Learn to use constructive crit-
icism rather than confrontation. Engaging in noncompetitive leisure activities such
as gardening may help prevent an excess of Pitta.

Vacations in cooler climates and water and winter sports will cool your tendency to
be warm. Avoid organizing your vacations in the greatest of detail and try to enjoy
whatever happens. Red clothing overstimulates Pitta and may contribute to a more
aggressive approach to others. Cool, soft, pale colors are more balancing to the Pitta

Balancing Kapha Dosha
If you are a Kapha type, you need to vary your daily experiences to avoid becoming
stuck in a rut. Try to make small changes in routine every day. Get up early and go
to bed late to limit your tendency to sleep many hours.

Since you may prefer to sit and do nothing, find activities that are mentally and
physically stimulating. Kapha is balanced by vigorous exercise but you will most
likely have to force yourself. Because you have good stamina, you can exercise for a
longer time than people who are Vata or Pitta.

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