At the end of this chapter students should be able to:
♦ Write letters according to the standard
♦ Explain the different line types
♦ Mention the application of each line type in
technical drawings
3.1. Letter Styles
Letter styles are generally classified as Gothic, Roman, Italic
and Text. They were all made with speedball pens, and are
therefore largely single-stroke letters. If the letters are drawn
in outline and filled in, they are referred to as “filled- in” letters.
The plainest and most legible style is the gothic from which
our single-stroke engineering letters are derived. The term
roman refers to any letter having wide down ward strokes and
thin connecting strokes. Roman letters include old romans
and modern roman, and may be vertical or inclined. Inclined
letters are also referred to as italic, regardless of the letter
style; text letters are often referred to as old English.