American Politics Today - Essentials (3rd Ed)
THE NEWS MEDIA| 151 DEREGULATION The FCC’s limits on ownership and content assumed that radio and TV stations were public trust ...
152 CHAPTER 5|PUBLIC OPINION AND THE MEDIA second trend is cross-ownership, which involves one company owning several diff ere ...
CONCLUSION| 153 phenomenon. Theorists describe four media eff ects that work largely without con- sumers’ awareness. ¾ Filterin ...
154 CHAPTER 5|PUBLIC OPINION AND THE MEDIA News media are Americans’ primary source of public information about poli- tics and ...
STUDY GUIDE|^155 WHAT IS PUBLIC OPINION? E Defi ne public opinion, and explain why it matters in American politics. Pages 127–2 ...
156 CHAPTER 5|PUBLIC OPINION AND THE MEDIA d) their personality traits e) politicians The idea that individuals will rely on ...
STUDY GUIDE|^157 CHARACTERISTICS OF AMERICAN PUBLIC OPINION E Present fi ndings on what Americans think about major political i ...
158 CHAPTER 5|PUBLIC OPINION AND THE MEDIA equal time provision (p. 150) concentration (p. 151) cross-ownership (p. 152) media ...
STUDY GUIDE|^159 SUGGESTED READING Campbell, David. Why We Vote: How Schools and Communities Shape Our Civic Life. Princeton, N ...
Political Parties 160 6 ...
161 WHILE MOST POLITICAL SCIENTISTS don’t consider the Tea Party movement to be a separate political party, Tea Party groups hav ...
162 CHAPTER 6|POLITICAL PARTIES parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, come into confl ict over what government should do ...
PARTIES AND PARTY SYSTEMS| 163 Parties and Party Systems Political parties are organizations that run candidates for political ...
164 CHAPTER 6|POLITICAL PARTIES who identifi es with the Republican Party does not have to work for the party, give money to t ...
PARTIES AND PARTY SYSTEMS| 165 the opposite positions based on their preference for concentrating power at the state level. The ...
166 CHAPTER 6|POLITICAL PARTIES a group of elected offi cials but an organization that exists apart from its candi- dates.^6 J ...
PARTIES AND PARTY SYSTEMS| 167 However, civil service legislation in the 1890s and other reforms brought about a decline in par ...
168 CHAPTER 6|POLITICAL PARTIES and Democratic parties that persists to the present day: Democrats generally favor a large fed ...
MODERN AMERICAN POLITICAL PARTIES| 169 the party organizations, the composition of the party coalitions, and the specifi cs of ...
170 CHAPTER 6|POLITICAL PARTIES Each party organization also includes groups designed to build support for or coordinate the e ...
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