American Politics Today - Essentials (3rd Ed)

(vip2019) #1


taxes, tax policy, 431, 489
Articles of Confederation problems with,
26, 27, 34–35
concurrent power over, 59
Constitutional Convention issue of, 31,
34–35, 37
corporate, 439, 440
cuts in, 297
estate, 428
excise, 439–40
federal authority over, 28, 40, 45, 60,
63–64, 73, 256, 431
fi scal theories on infl uencing economy
with, 437–40
health care programs and, 457, 458
ideological views on, 14, 16
income, 45, 439, 440
local authority over, 58, 80, 82
marginal tax rate and, 427
1962 revenue from, 441
payment for public goods with, 8
payroll, 439, 440, 453, 454, 454, 455, 457
proposed constitutional amendments
concerning, 44
redistributive, 14, 134, 439–40, 441
regressive vs. progressive, 440
religious organizations and, 106, 107
Social Security funding and, 453, 454,
454, 455, 456–57
state authority over, 59, 60, 62, 63–64,
75, 80, 80, 82, 83
and subsidies for wealthy, 451–52
2008 revenue from, 441
uses for, 100, 439–40, 441
tax policy, 425–26
Tea Act (1773), 25
Tea Party, 23, 48–49, 74, 185
Tea Party, U.S., 149, 161–62, 163, 170, 176,
178 , 18 4
congressional caucus of, 173
recruitment eff orts of, 161
Tea Party in Space, 161
Tea Party movement, 161–62, 218, 243,
403, 434
Tea Party Patriots, 149, 161
technolog y, First Amendment rights and, 379
Telecommunications Act (1996), 151
television, 146, 150–52, 154
campaign ads on, 206–7, 207, 209, 243
corporate ownership in, 151
FCC regulations of, 150–52
knowledge levels in viewers of, 147
nightly news programs on, 146, 147
online sites for, 148
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
(TANF), 71, 460, 461
Ten Commandments, 106
Tennessee, 404
Tennessee Valley Authority, 338
Tenth Amendment, 34, 55, 56, 61, 75–76, 94
term limits, 44, 45, 78
territorial expansion, Mexican-American war
and, 295
terrorism, 8, 72, 73, 83, 99, 100, 102, 111, 111,
113, 119, 129, 130, 293–94, 469–70,
474, 474, 478, 481, 484

”clash of civilizations” as root of, 474
military tribunals and, 298
restriction of legal rights and, 482
see also War on Terror
Terrorist Finance Tracking Program, 102
Texas, 99, 106, 118, 203, 264, 407, 419
desegregation in, 404
sodomy in, 410
thermal imaging devices, 93
Third Amendment, 94, 97, 116
third party system, 164, 166
Thirteenth Amendment, 66, 95, 393
Thomas, Clarence, 377, 380, 381
Three-fi fths Compromise, 35–36, 35
”three strikes” law, 116
Time, 145
tobacco subsidies, 288
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 83
Tories, 25
trackers, 206
trade, 9, 59
agreements, 473, 478, 484–85, 489
Articles of Confederation and, 26–27
Constitutional Convention and, 30, 35
free, 296, 297, 485
international, 364, 468, 473, 478,
484–85, 484
most-favored nation status and, 485
trade associations, 238
traffi c violations, 389
transfer payments, see grants
transportation, 58, 67, 73
federal spending on, 256, 436
Transportation Department, U.S., 324, 335
Coast Guard transferred out of, 344
number of employees in, 338
Transportation Security Administration, 476
Transportation Security Administration,
U.S., 324
Treasury Department, U.S., 59, 317, 331, 335,
336, 429, 430, 432
economic policies and responsibilities
of, 432
Federal Reserve in cooperation with,
in fi nancial crisis of 2008, 445–47
number of employees in, 338
treaties, 26, 59, 60, 476
defi nition of, 487
executive power to negotiate, 41, 303–4
as foreign policy tool, 487
Treaty of Versailles, 472
trespassing, 100
trials, rights concerning, 96, 97, 110,
111–12, 115
Tribune Company, 152
trickle-down economics, see supply-side
troop surge, 483
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 229,
230, 287, 445, 447
Truman, Harry S., 202, 394, 414
Truman Doctrine, 472
trustee, 259–60
trust fund, of Social Security, 453–54, 454
Tunisia, 474

Turkey, 473
Twain, Mark, 267
Tweed, William “Boss,” 166
Twelfth Amendment, 33, 44
Twenty-fi fth Amendment, 311
Twenty-fi rst Amendment, 43, 45, 45
Twenty-second Amendment, 45
Twenty-seventh Amendment, 43–44, 45
Tyler, John, 295
tyranny, 37
tyranny of the majority, 8, 31, 38, 82

Underground Railroad, 392
undervotes, 195
unemployment, 130, 296, 297, 309, 399, 431,
435, 436, 447, 448, 448, 449, 449
compensation policies for, 449, 459
economic bills passed for reduction of,
Misery Index of infl ation and, 435
Unfunded Mandate Reform Act (1995), 71–72
unfunded mandates, 70, 72, 73
unifi ed government, 182
unilateral action (national), 469–70
unilateral action (presidential), 316–18, 415
Union Army, 36, 166
Union League, 393
unions, 170, 209, 237, 435, 449
interest groups and lobbying eff orts of,
232, 234, 245
OSHA and, 348
unitary executive theory, 317–18, 319
unitary government, 58
unitary system, 6, 82
United Farm Workers, 394, 395
United Kingdom, see Great Britain
United Nations (UN), 59, 470, 470, 472, 473,
481, 482, 483
General Assembly of, 483
International Criminal Court of,
482, 482
Security Council of, 481, 485
United States v. Lopez, 77, 78, 78
United States v. Morrison, 77
United States v. Nixon, 308
universal health care, 458
University of California Regents v. Bakke, 418
urbanization, 67
USA PATRIOT Act (2001), 111, 285
U.S. Pacifi st Party, 184
Utah, 194

Van Buren, Martin, 165–66, 295
Vandenberg, Arthur, 467
verdict, 362
Ve r i z on , 1 1 3
Verrilli, Donald, 376
vesting clause, 298
veteran-owned businesses, 328
veterans, 434, 449, 461
Veterans Aff airs Department, U.S., 263, 335,
335, 338
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 90
Articles of Confederation rules for, 26
in confederal system, 59
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