executive power of, 8, 32, 41, 280, 285,
304–5, 432
legislative, 287
line item, 375
overriding of, 32, 280, 285, 304
pocket, 285
problems with, 32
use of, 432
vice president, U.S., 313–14
in presidential succession, 311, 313
replacement of, 311
Vietnam War, 41, 99, 102, 150, 152, 296–97,
450, 473
protest against, 402
viewpoint discrimination, 106
violence, media and, 14
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA; 1995),
77, 78, 413
Virginia, 26, 27, 34, 37, 198, 416
black-majority districts in, 407
post-Revolutionary War debt in, 359
slavery in, 392
2006 Senate race in, 149
Virginia, University of, 106
Virginia Military Institute, 408
Virginia Plan, 32, 33, 42
Virginia Tech, 109
Virgin Islands, 364
volunteering, 130
voting, 5, 9, 12, 73, 80, 81, 82, 126, 127, 136,
191–92, 198–200, 213
citizen motivations for, 212
citizen turnout in, 80, 212–13, 214
cues in shaping citizens’ election
choices, 213–14, 215
in Democratic primaries, 377, 393
early or absentee, 194
Great Society and, 334
of Latinos, 394–95
Latinos and, 397
methods of, 195
mobilization eff orts for encouraging,
204, 212–13
paradox of, 212
plurality vs. majority, 195
polling places for, 195, 196
racial and gender patterns of, 16
requirements for, 194, 212
2008 election problems with, 397
see also ballots
voting cues, 213–14, 215
voting rights, 16, 16, 44, 48, 66, 76, 95, 130,
194, 296, 361, 365, 393
grandfather clause and, 393
Supreme Court and, 403
of women, 396, 400
Voting Rights Act (VR A; 1965), 73, 76, 355,
405, 412, 450
1982 amendments to, 407
Voto Latino, 397
wage and price controls, 435
Wallace, George, 184
Wall Street, 448, 448
Wall Street Jo ur n al , 145
Wal-Mart, 362, 412
War Department, U.S., 331
War of 1812, 41, 165, 302
War on Poverty, 296, 450, 461
War on Terror, 91, 102, 474
see also terrorism
war powers, 59
War Powers Act, 347
War Powers Resolution (1973), 302,
303, 477
Warsaw Pact, 473, 487
Washing ton, D.C., see District of Columbia
Washing ton, George, 63, 257, 258, 317
compromises forged by, 295
as presidential ideal, 295
Supreme Court appointees of, 358
Washington (state), 295
Washing ton Mutual, 445
Wa shin gto n Post , 137, 145
Wa shin gto n v. Texa s , 96
Wat er gat e, 142, 308, 376, 381
water rights, 372–73
water safety, 444
weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), Iraq’s
alleged possession of, 469
see also nuclear weapons
Webb, James, 149
Weiner, Anthony, 267
welfare, 8–9, 62, 67, 70, 71, 75, 79, 258, 332,
449, 455, 459, 460
agencies and alienation of recipients,
432, 433
average monthly benefi ts in, 460
”c or p or a t e ,” 4 5 2
defi nition of, 448
reform of, 460–61
spending for, 452
Wells Fargo, 230
Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), 89–90, 89
Whig Party, 164, 166, 169
whip system, 272, 274
white fl ight, 405
White House, West Wing of, 312
white primary, 393, 394
whites, 99
geographical distribution of, 398
grandfather clause and, 393
propertyless, 391
voting history of, 16, 16, 130, 168, 397
white supremacy, 399
Wikileaks, 102, 102
Wilcox, John A., 257
Wilson, James Q ., 428
Wilson, Woodrow, 296, 472
winner-take-all, 196, 198
wiretapping, 110
Wisconsin Territory, 65
Wolf v. Colorado, 96, 97
women, women’s rights, 16, 17, 78, 132,
134, 169
civil rights of, 391, 392, 396, 400, 402,
407–10, 412–13, 416
in Congress, 260
protectionism and, 396
Supreme Court and, 407–10
voting rights of, 396, 400
Woolworth’s, sit-ins in, 401–2, 403
workplace issues, 16, 67, 77, 112
see also employment; labor laws
Works Progress Administration, 449
World Bank, 473, 481
World Trade Organization, 402, 474, 485
World War I, 98, 296, 302, 394, 471–72
World War II, 274, 302, 434, 461
blacks in, 394
European restructuring and
reconstruction after, 472, 473
internment of Japanese Americans in,
382, 395
writ of certifi cation, 373
writ of certiorari, 373
writ of mandamus, 359, 377
Wyoming, 109, 295
xenophobia, 100
Ya h o o! , 147
Yemen, 293, 474
Yorktown, Va., 27
Young Democrats, 170
Young Republicans, 170
YouTube, 148, 149
Yugoslavia, 482