they are the continuation of the warpthread in a hand-knotted rug.``````KNOT DENSITYThe knot density is measured by thenumber of knots per square inch (KPSI).The average is around 150 KPSI, whilst afine rug may have a knot count of 500. Theknot density is a factor in determining theprice of a rug, based on the labour involvedin producing it â a skilled worker can tieabout 360 knots per hour. The moretightly knotted or woven a rug is, the moredetailed the design can be.``````WOVEN RUGSWoven rugs are created on a loom,weaving continuous weft threads throughthe vertical warp. Once woven, the weftthread is either cut, known as plush pile,or left in loops, known as Berber.Flatweave rugs are created on a loomwith interlocking warp and weft threads.Well known examples of rugs made in thisstyle include kilims, Aubussons, Soumaksand dhurries. The weaving techniquemakes them thinner than knotted rugs,and less insulating. Traditionally, the warpthreads are generally made of strong``````undyed cotton, linen or wool. The weft,which forms the pattern, generally useswool or cotton, although cashmere,silk and hemp rugs can also be found.These rugs are reversible.``````FELT RUGSFelted wool rugs are made by compressingand flattening wool, which has first beensoaked in boiling water to alter the textureof the wool. Traditional in Central Asiannomadic communities, felt rugs areparticularly hardwearing and portable,and have excellent insulating properties.``````EMBROIDERED RUGSEmbroidered rugs are stitched by handdirectly onto linen, cotton or â lesscommonly â silk. Crewel work, tentstitch and cross stitch are the mostcommonly used stitches, and designsoften incorporate elaborate scrollworkand botanical designs. Berlin woolwork is a popular style, produced asindividually embroidered squares thatare subsequently stitched together,whilst suzanis (the term derives fromthe Persian word for needle) originatingfrom Central Asia, are prised for their``````decorative versatility and are often usedas bedcovers or wall hangings.Needlepoint or tapestry rugs areconstructed by stitching the yarn througha stiff open-weave canvas, often in elaboratedesigns of many colours to form the fabric,usually from wool, cotton or silk. Hookedrugs also use a canvas-style base; the knotsare made by pulling loops of yarn throughthe mesh using a crocket-like hook. n
### 110 THE ENGLISH HOMELEFT Beautifullydesigned Suzanismay be used asthrows or wallhangings to bringa burst of interestto neutral schemes.Vintage Suzanis,from £795, TheRug CompanyBELOW JenniferMannersâ bespokerugs are made toorder in Nepal usingtraditional Tibetanweaving methods.``````Knots are tiedcontinuously arounda rod, thus speedingup the knottingprocess withoutcompromising quality.BOTTOM Availablein hand-woven,hand-knotted orhand-tufted styles,this geometric rugadds a touch ofthe contemporaryto interiors.Hex rug, £1,080,Jennifer Manners``````FEATURE``````DEBORAH GRAY
TEH UK DEC15 By Definition.indd 110 21/10/2015 15:57
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(Nancy Kaufman)