nancy kaufman
(Nancy Kaufman)
idden deep in the Somerset countryside,amongst a rabbit warren of leafy lanes, along driveway curls its way down a steepincline to reveal Christina Struttâscottage. In front of the house, an old-fashionedcourtyard with a weathered bench provides awelcoming seat to enjoy the view. Across from thecourtyard a hand-built wooden pavilion is decoratedwith a constellation of white fairy lights, beyondwhich, rolling gardens sweep down to a meanderingbrook, fringed with a thicket of trees.Nestled in the embrace of this secluded hillside, anold stone corner cottage is a quintessential vision witha heavy wooden door and a traditional metal bellsuspended high above it. The tranquil scene is onlystirred by the wind whooshing like a roller coasterthrough the trees, a little dog joyfully yapping andChristinaâs grandson, Frankie, laughing and playinggames with the unbridled delight of a child who enjoysthe freedom of living in such an inspiring rural setting.âThe countryside the house sits in really is the mostmagical place, truly unspoilt and untouched, and justan hour and nineteen minutes from London,â explainsChristina, whose son, Edward, and his young familylive opposite the cottage on the grounds.Furthermore, it is not just the idyllic pastorallocation that has inspired its owner, but the cottage ï´``````ABOVE Christinadecided to swapthe location of theoriginal kitchen witha larger room atthe opposite endof the house wherethe family can gatherin comfort.RIGHT Christina likesthe natural coloursof fresh wintergreenery. The wreathwas specially madeby Tallulah RoseFlower School innearby Bath.OPPOSITE OnChristmas Day, aftera visit to Christinaâssister, the familygathers to open theirpresents around thecottage fire. TheCable-knit stockingis from Dobbies.
TEH UK DEC15 HOUSE - Strutt.indd 30 14/10/2015 10:03