Archaeology Underwater: The NAS Guide to Principles and Practice

(Barry) #1
imations of the earth’s shape are known as spheroids (or
ellipsoids). Different national and international mapping
systems use different spheroids that best fit the area to be
mapped. In the UK, the National Grid is based on an ellips-
oid defined by Mr George Biddell Airy, the Astronomer
Royal, in 1840, while the American satellite-navigation
network known as the Global Positioning System (GPS –
see below) calculates position on the World Geodetic
System 1984 (WGS84) which was defined by the US
military specifically for satellite positioning. There are
many spheroids, each developed for a specific purpose
by a different sovereign state. India, for example, was
mapped by the British in the early nineteenth century on
the Everest spheroid. Devised specifically for the task,
this spheroid was named after Everest, the principal
surveyor at the completion of the survey, and is still in
use today.
It is essential to be aware of the spheroid on which
any chart and set of positions are based. This is especially
significant when plotting or using positions from an
electronic positioning system (e.g. a GPS receiver), which
gives a set of coordinates. Using the wrong spheroid can
have serious consequences; including the loss of sites,
ships running aground and even territorial disputes. A posi-
tion in the WGS84 ellipsoid plotted on a chart in the UK
based on the Airy spheroid, can be 164 m (533 ft) away
from the intended position. There is software readily
available for transformations between different systems,
but it is essential to know which system provided the posi-
tion and on which system the chart or site-plan is based.


osition-fixing at sea relies on the same basic
principles as on land. Offshore, however, the en-
vironment often requires alternative methods for
obtaining position. Position is found through the meas-
urement of distances and angles.
Position-fixing is essential in archaeology for:

  • pinpointing the exact location of a site;

  • establishing relative locations of sites; and

  • obtaining positional data during geophysical survey.

This chapter will outline some of the fundamental
principles involved in position-fixing and give a summary
of position-fixing equipment, including optical instruments,
electronic systems and satellite-navigation systems. The first
step is to establish exactly what a position is.
Position is normally expressed in terms of coordinates
which can be depicted on a map, chart or plan. However,
to use these numbers correctly it is important to under-
stand how the numbers were obtained and this is more
complex than it may at first appear. The map or chart is
a scaled representation of the ground or the earth’s sur-
face. The earth has been identified, after much debate
through the centuries, as being neither flat nor round, but
an irregular shape resembling a rounded pear.
The problem faced by all map-makers is how to rep-
resent the shape of the earth on a flat piece of paper. To
do this, the shape of the earth must first be defined
mathematically and then projected onto a flat piece of paper
or, more specifically, a flat plane. Mathematical approx-



u Geographical coordinates
u Accuracy

u Methods of position-fixing
u Equipment


Underwater Archaeology: The NAS Guide to Principles and Practice Second Edition Edited by Amanda Bowens
© 2009 Nautical Archaeological Society ISBN: 978-1-405-17592-0

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