Archaeology Underwater: The NAS Guide to Principles and Practice

(Barry) #1



For a list of standardized terminology relating to maritime
craft type, maritime cargo and maritime place-names, see
Adams, J., 1985, Sea Venture, a second interim report, part 1,
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 14 .4, 275 –99.
Battarbee, R. W., 1988, The use of diatom analysis in archae-
ology: a review, Journal of Archaeological Science 15 , 621–
Bradley, R., 1990, The Passage of Arms: An Archaeological Analysis
of Prehistoric Hoards and Votive Deposits. Cambridge.
Gibbins, D., 1990, Analytical approaches in maritime archae-
ology: a Mediterranean perspective, Antiquity 64 , 376–89.
Greene, K., 2002 (4th edn), Archaeology: An Introduction. Oxford

Muckelroy, K., 1978, Maritime Archaeology. Cambridge.
Murphy, L. E., 1990, 8SL17: Natural Site Formation Processes of
a Multiple-Component Underwater Site in Florida, Submerged
Resources Center Professional Report No. 12, National Park
Service, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Parker, A. J., 1981, Stratification and contamination in ancient
Mediterranean shipwrecks, International Journal of Nautical
Archaology 10 , 4, 309 –35.
Tomalin, D. J., Simpson, P. and Bingeman J. M., 2000,
Excavation versus sustainability in situ: a conclusion on
25 years of archaeological investigations at Goose Rock, a
designated historic wreck-site at the Needles, Isle of Wight,
England, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 29 .1,
3 – 42.
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