Conservation Science

(Tina Sui) #1

References and Further Reading

H. Arai, Sci. Conserv.,1988, 27 , 19.
A. Arnold and K. Zehnder, in The Conservation of Wall Paintings, S. Cather (ed),
Tien Wah Press Ltd, Singapore, 1991, 103.
A. Ballentyne, in Les Anciennes Restaurations en Peinture Murale,
M. Steffanaggi (ed), SFIIC, Champ-sur-Marne, 1993, 143.
F.S. Barbaresi, G. Mastromei and B. Perito, in Molecular Biology and Cultural
Heritage, C. Saiz-Jimenez (ed), Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, 2003, 209.
S. Beutel, K. Klein, G. Knobbe, P. Königfeld, K. Petersen, R. Ulber and
T. Scheper, Biotechnol. Bioeng., 2002, 80 (1), 13.
I. Brajer and N. Karlsbeck, Stud. Conserv., 1999, 44 , 145.
D. Dini, in Les Anciennes Restaurations en Peinture Murale, M. Steffanaggi
(ed), SFIIC, Champ-sur-Marne, 1993, 137.
P. Friese, Arbeitshefte des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege,
2001, 104 , 141.
A.A. Gorbushina and K. Petersen, Int. Biodeter. Biodegr., 2000, 46 , 277.
R. Gowing, in Preserving the Painted Past, R. Gowing and A. Heritage (ed),
James and James (Science Publishers), London, 2003, 85.
I. Hammer, in The Conservation of Wall Paintings, S. Cather (ed), Tien Wah
Press Ltd, Singapore, 1991, 13.
K. Heiling, Diploma Thesis, University of Applied Sciences and Arts,
Hildesheim, F. R. G., 2003.
C. Heyn, K. Petersen and W.E. Krumbein, Kunsttechnologie und Konser-
vierung, 1996, 10 , 87.
R.J. Koestler, in Of Microbes and Art, O. Cifierri, P. Tiano and G. Mastromei
(eds), Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, Boston, Dordrecht,
London, Moscow, 2000, 153.
W.E. Krumbein, V. Schostak and K. Petersen, Kieler Meeresforschung, 1991,
8 , 173.
L. Laiz, D. Recio, B. Hermosin and C. Saiz-Jimenez, in Of Microbes and Art,
O. Cifierri, P. Tiano and G. Mastromei (eds), Kluwer Academic/Plenum
Publishers, New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow, 2000, 77.
P.K. Larsen, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Structural Engineering and Materials,
Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, 1999.
N.N. Lyalikova and Y.P. Petrushkova, Geomicrobiol. J., 1991, 9 , 91.
S. Maekawa, in Art and Eternity – The Nefetari Wall Paintings Conservation
Project, M.A. Corzo and M. Afshar (eds), The J. P. Getty Trust, 1993, 105.
M. Matteini, in The Conservation of Wall Paintings, S. Cather (ed), Tien Wah
Press Ltd, Singapore, 1991, 137.
M. Matteini, in Preserving the Painted Past, R. Gowing and A. Heritage (eds),
James and James (Science Publishers), London, 2003, 85.

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