334 Subject Index
Animals (continued)
fur-bearing 109
marine 7, 282
marine-boring 273
wood-boring 266, 267, 284, 295
Anions 246
Annealing 129
Anode 132, 133, 150, 151
inert 150
Anoxic 28
atmospheres 116
conditions 31, 295, 325
environment 28, 273, 325
waterlogged 328
peat layers 325
treatment 28
Anti-oxidants 300, 302
Aqueous 47, 145, 260
buffer solutions 117
extracts 39, 52, 100, 101
Aqueous Methods 265
Aqueous solutions 45, 46, 53, 54,
99, 117, 118, 164, 189, 205, 243,
303, 305
Araldite 171
Archaeological sites 131, 134, 310,
314, 328, 329
discovered 309
land-based 154
management of 309, 310
polluted 290
situations 133
wood 284, 293, 300–302, 308, 328
Archaeological wood
degraded 292, 298
waterlogged 284, 291, 298
pre-treated waterlogged 306
properties 329
storage 292
Archaeologists 1–4, 7, 8, 12, 31, 174,
180, 320
amateur diving 10
professional 4, 10
diving 4, 6
vocational diving 4
Archaeology 1, 2, 31, 120, 159, 309
Architectural Heritage 30, 31
Archives 48
Arginine 96, 113, 114
Argon 29, 31
environment 29
Arsenic 77, 129
Art 13, 28–32, 34, 50, 56, 58, 92,
112, 199, 205, 211, 233, 240, 241,
264, 265
contemporary 205
historians 13, 27, 29
modern 187, 205
objects 3, 162
decorate 177
precious 162
Artefacts 56, 57, 91, 122, 123, 133–136,
139, 140, 144, 145, 150, 151, 154,
155, 158, 159, 309, 310, 314, 315,
317, 320, 323–325, 328, 329
analysis of 309, 328
archaeological 325, 328
conserved 123
earliest 127
ephemeral 56
form 134
historic 90, 284
large 72, 139
marine 139, 144
metallic 121
rubber 211
significant naval textile 58
stable 305
stored 287
treated 291
Artefacts Compatibility 291
ageing 40
light, bright 45
Artificially-induced oxalate layer 259
Ascomycetes 323
Ascomycota 273, 278, 288
Aspergillus glaucus 255
Assessment 71
visual 13