Conservation Science

(Tina Sui) #1

Chemical (continued)
extractives 282
factors 200
formula Al2 175
formulae 192
principles 91
processes 33, 188
properties 52, 193, 195, 229, 238
property, important 164
reactions/ageing 48
reagents 53
resistivity 76
state 56, 79, 91
structures 98, 102, 303
tannages 101
Chemicals 28, 85, 150, 188, 235, 298
biocidal 307
bulking 298
inorganic 224
non-reactive 298
non-water soluble 305
react 298
water-soluble 305
Chinese 33
gall extract 101
papers 33
Chlorides 77, 117, 122, 123, 132, 134,
135, 139, 140, 144, 145, 150, 154,
155, 158, 243, 311
ammonium 154, 155
buried 144, 154
cuprous 158
deleterious 135
ferrous 133
high levels of 139, 144
hydrogen 203
ion removal 150
ions 67, 134, 135, 139,
154, 158
levels of 147, 155
lithium 145
potassium 209
vinyl 185, 186, 190
vinylidene 197
volatile 154

Chlorine 45–47, 188, 191,
197, 203
atoms 191, 203
bulky 191
gas 151
neighbouring 203
producing 45
Chlorite/chlorine dioxide 46
Chlorophenols 234, 292
Chromatographic procedures 79
Chrome tanning 94
leather 95
materials 100, 111
Chromium 77, 99, 302
atoms 99
basic 99, 100
complexes 99
compounds 99
trivalent 99
polynuclear 99, 100
salts 99
Cirrenalia macrocephala 288
Citrates 100, 117
Clay 7, 24, 121, 123, 126, 129, 174,
175, 180, 184, 232
brick 175
dried 175
minerals 174, 175
moulds 125
shaped 127
particle 24
rolled 174
shaping 174
stoneware 175
unglazed 174
white-burning 175
Cleaning 25, 116
Cleaning Methodologies 260
Cleaning techniques 27, 233
useful 233
Cleavage 82, 97
extracellular enzymatic 260
hydrolytic 83
reactions 245

340 Subject Index

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