Conservation Science

(Tina Sui) #1

Decay (continued)
capabilities 278
chemically-induced 112
condensed tannins 107
constant 24
forms 230
microbial 273
microbiological 93
minimise 295
patterns 275, 287, 317
process 14
rapid 112
rate of 24, 114, 317
renewed 289
soft rot 277, 278
wood 287, 323
Degradation 40, 52, 53, 56, 57,
88–90, 173, 174, 197, 199, 200,
202, 203, 205–207, 212–215,
217, 219, 229–232, 238, 239,
273, 274
accelerated 212
acid 40
agents of 219, 221, 231, 232
alkaline 40, 45, 53
biological 5, 69, 71, 82, 89
chemical 114, 164, 166
differential 219
enzymatic 275
forms 219, 230
hydrolytic 117
macro-biological 9
mechanisms 60, 164, 180
metal-catalysed 41
microbial 273
natural 295
nature of 212, 230
oxidative 300
pathway 213
patterns of 213, 239
perpetuating 205
phenomena 166
photosensitised 69
of plasticised PVC materials 202
pre-existing 80

processes 67, 205, 221
products 49, 82, 166, 196, 202,
219, 232
impeding 221
nitrogen oxide 207
volatile 209
rate of 173, 180, 203, 209, 213,
221, 230
rates 217
reactions 82, 187, 188, 200, 202
results 205
slowing 230
of stonework 212, 213
thermal 67
Degree of polymerisation 40, 52, 53
average 53
high 40
Degumming 77
process 83
Dehumidification 116
Deleterious 68, 122, 134
chloride ion 155
consequences 60
results 107
Denitrification 233, 247
facultative 246
Department 185, 211, 212, 240, 264
Depolymerisation 69
hydrolytic 71
progressive 69
Deposits 27, 111, 171, 183, 243
barrow two-stage treatment 42
calcareous 140, 267
microcrystalline 81
oxalate surface 27
powdery 155
waxy 85
Desalination 25, 27
Desiccation 67, 80, 89, 90,
225, 226
Desorption 38, 207
curve 38
slow oxygen 314
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans 233
Desulfurylation 246

344 Subject Index

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