Conservation Science

(Tina Sui) #1

dissolved 123, 133, 144, 311
environment 29
indicator 209
lance process 127
levels 288, 295
reduced 278
low 273, 288
levels of 28, 133
measurements 311, 313
molecular 246, 300
monitoring device 209
normal conditions 246
oxygen binding 194
prevented 133
saturation 313
singlet 41, 45
zero 311
Ozone 200

Packaging 48, 183, 290
materials 202
Paint 44, 47, 57, 171, 252
black 162
commercial anti-corrosion 147
decorative white 147
layer 171, 242–246, 256
highly-vulnerable 246
system 244
watercolour 44
Paintings 3, 11, 14, 30, 37, 177, 241,
242, 245, 246, 248, 252, 255, 256,
260, 263
ceiling 242
lime 245
modern 242
mural 260
oil 25
reverse 162
tempera 245
yellowish buff 108
Panels 241
louvered 106
Paper 25, 27, 32–55, 57, 112, 207, 239
acid 43
acid-free tissue 206

acidity of 39
ageing 49
alkaline 39
artefacts 55
bleach 50
breaks 51
carbohydrates 52
cellulose-based 290
charcoal-impregnated 207
cheapest 35
chemistry 55
conservation 37, 46
bleaching 45
research literature 53
scientist wanting 45
scientists 48
constructions 37
dampened 52
deacidifying 43
degraded 42
deteriorates 39
deterioration of 39, 48, 50
discoloured 44, 45, 50
dry 39
experts 33
fibres 33, 46, 232
clean 45
start 51
traditional Oriental 54
filter 35
industry 45, 46
irregular 51
laminating thinner 37
macerate 52
machine-made 34, 36
manuscript 290
mechanical wood pulp 35
moistened non-bleeding indicator 71
objects 39
oxidised 42
pieces of 39, 40
printing 35
pulps 41, 45
rag 33
sample 54

Subject Index 359

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