Conservation Science

(Tina Sui) #1

local 140
measure 52
measurements 314, 315
meter 71, 314
neutral 313
profiles 315
range 136
in situ 315
units 315
values 83, 144, 164, 310,
315, 325
high 164
revealed 71
Phenolformaldehyde insulators 186
Phenolic compound 103
Phenols 196, 202, 292
orthophenyl 292
Phenoxides 234
Phenyl 283, 300
Phenyl-propanes 34
Philosophy 229, 239
dynamic 229
Pholadidae 267, 269
Pholads 267, 269
lack 269
mature 269
wood-boring 269
Photochemical 69
Photodegradation 69, 71, 82
Photo-degradation 82, 88, 89
Photo-deterioration 82
film bases 189
images, white 50
Photolysis 67, 68
Photolytic Damage 69, 82, 89, 90
Photons 49
Photo-oxidation 69, 70, 82, 89, 90
Photosensitisation 41
Phototrophic organisms 224, 226, 248
Phthalate esters 193
Phthalates 117, 193, 203
Phycolimnoria sp. 270
Physa sp. 292

Piddocks 267
Piezometers 310, 315
Pigments 14, 41, 46–48, 50, 60, 193,
197, 252
copper acetate 41
fugitive 44
Pill bugs 267
Pine 317
Pinus sylvestris 280
Plankton 269
Plaster 242–244, 246, 252, 255, 256
multi-layered 244
behaviour 64
cup 185
formulation 192
grass 193
materials 187, 195
objects 187, 196, 199
deterioration of 199, 205
final 193
surrounding 206, 209
product, final 193
repair 231
surface 205
tanks 291
tubing 311
water bottles 195
wrapping 139
Plasticise 37
Plasticised PVC 202
film 187
materials 202
Plasticisers 67, 80, 193, 194, 196,
202, 203, 209
earliest commercial 200
liquid 193
purpose 193
Plasticity 175
Plastics 51, 185–189, 191–197, 199,
200, 202, 203, 205–207, 209,
211, 216
colourless 196
conservation of 205, 209
earliest 199

Subject Index 361

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