produced superior quality 127
stainless 150
Stiffening 111
material 34
progressive 110
Stone 10, 11, 26, 51, 92, 187, 212–217,
219, 221, 222, 224–226, 229,
231–235, 238–240, 243, 246, 252
bacteria 226
biodeterioration 224
boxes 127
buildings 233
colonise 225, 226
components 235
conservation 183, 233,
234, 239
damage 221
decay 222, 226, 238
decaying 226
degradation 212, 213, 231, 239
deterioration 224, 233
durable 219
ecosystem 226
emplaced 238
facades 217
inlay 26
masonry 239
material 212, 226
minerals 225, 238
monuments 256
moulds 121, 126
object 26
particles 225
pores 225
porous 225
properties 212, 219
statues 26
substratum 235
surfaces 219, 225, 226, 231,
232, 235
reactive 232
stain 225
treatment of 239, 247
types 238
underneath 232
Stone-colonizing microflora 226
Stonework 212, 213, 226, 230, 233
longer-term 289
long-term 289, 295, 307
oxygen-free 209
low 291
materials 50
methods 287, 293, 307
ideal 307
long-term 295
periods 287
regular 173
rooms 135
short-term 289
spaces 116
special 29
tanks 139, 292
disinfect conservation water
technique 295
temporary 289
Stresses 1, 26, 29, 33, 38, 39,
51, 80, 110, 199, 215–217,
219, 246
compatibility 26
dried-in 38
high 39, 232
ice-induced 217
mechanical 60
resist drying 284
thermal 215
Stripping process 108
Styrene 298, 305
Subflorescences 243, 244
Substitution 189, 190, 315
degree of 190
Substrates 205, 255, 260
low-nitrogen woody 269
Succession 225
biological 224
solution, concentrated 55
xylose 34
Sugars 34, 77, 111, 248, 298
Subject Index 369