Subject Index 373
UV 15, 47, 50
photography 15
UV-absorbing Perspex 45
Vacuum chambers, large 44
Vanadium 248
state 305
Vapours 196, 200
Vasa 302, 303, 306, 308
gums 245
materials 2
Vegetable Tannages 100, 104, 105
Vegetable Tanning Processes 105
Vegetable tannins 101, 102, 111
degraded 118
Vegetable-tanning 101, 105
materials 106, 108
Ventilation 166, 173, 192, 206, 209
Vermin 39
Vertebrate 118
Verticillium sp. 253
Viability 289
Vibrations 19, 53
Vibrio spp. 293
Vinegar syndrome 202, 207
Vinyl 202
flooring 193
record 199
Visco-elastic 64
Viscose rayon 58
Viscosity 53, 164, 171, 183
Wall paintings 241–243, 245–248,
252, 255, 256, 259, 260, 263, 265
cleaning 263
conservation of 264
Washing 44, 158, 229, 232
processes 44
Water 33, 34, 36–40, 42–45, 47, 83,
88, 89, 139, 144, 145, 164,
173–175, 180, 189–192, 195,
196, 302, 303, 305–307
activity 247
high 247
acts 80, 232
boiled 144
boiling 77
bonding 110
bonds 80
bound 67, 80
brackish 267
estuarine 269
case 244
chemistry 325
clean 307
cold 95, 106, 144
condensed 242
content 38, 49, 51, 175,
209, 295
cooler temperate 267
de-ionized 27
de-mineralised 144
desorb 38
displace 158
distilled 144
drains 33, 36
droplets 166, 219
environment, low 247
evaporates 244
evaporation of 245, 303
flow 219
flowing 216
freezes 306
frozen 306
high-pressure 147
hot 77, 95, 186
immersion 27
large alkyl group imparts 36
leaf 36
leakages 242
level 139, 242, 310, 311, 320,
323, 325
low 247
lime 42
liquid 29, 44, 117, 166
mist, generated 44
mL 52
molecules 37, 166
small 37