Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1


Note: Page numbers in bold indicate main entries in the encyclopedia. Page numbers followed by
“t” indicates a table and “i” indicates an illustration.

AAG (Association of American Geographers),
145, 274
Abiotic resources, 241
Abkhazia, 26
Absolute location, 209–10
Acculturation, 85
Acupuncture, 127
Adiabatic warming, 277
Administrative principle, 55
Aeolian transport, 365
Aeration, zone of, 164
Afghanistan, 26, 42
Africa: AIDS epidemic, 222–23; balkanization,
25, 188; Benguela Current, 59; boundaries
in, 39–40; Continental tropical air (cT), 10;
deforestation, 91; economic development,
geography of, 111; European languages in,
187, 205; imperialism, 147; imperialism
and, 185–86; Infant Mortality Rate (IMR),
188–89, 261; linguistic geography, 206–7;
Maasai people, 255; map of, 51i; migration
from, 228; monsoon, 231; rural settlement,
289–90; secondary cultural hearth, 88;
shatterbelt, 308; shifting cultivation, 77;
slavery, 283; terra nullius, 280; transitory
livestock herding, 78–79; tropical savanna, 36,
161; Yoruba people, 187–88; zoogeographic
regions, 373–74.See alsoNamib Desert;
Sahara desert; Sahel region, Africa

African Americans, 126, 129–30, 141,
305–6, 352
African savanna, 161
African slaves, 283
Age of Imperialism, 185, 187–88
Agglomeration,1–2; break-of-bulk point, 41;
core and periphery, 73; economic
development, geography of, 110; sectors of
the economy, 303; spatial inequality, 318;
urbanization, 352
Agnew, John, 150
Agricultural mechanization in developing
nations, 3, 7–8
Agricultural regions.SeeCultivation regions
Agricultural revolution,5–8; agribusiness, 2;
Malthusian Theory, 215; migration, 230;
population, 261; sectors of the economy,
302–5; urbanization, 351
Agriculture, Mediterranean, 78
AIDS epidemic, 222–23, 238
Air masses,8–11; anticyclones, 14;
classification of, 9–10; friction of distance,
135–36; fronts, 135; humidity, 177; middle
latitude cyclone (MLC), 225–27;
thunderstorms, 341
Air parcels, 21–22
Alaska, 76i, 109–10, 312
Albania, 308

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