Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1
Alber’s equal area projection, 221
Alberta, Canada, 97
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 97
Alexander VI, Pope, 207
Allegheny Mountains, 123
Alluvium, 328–29
Alonso, William, 27, 355
Altitude, and atmosphere, 20
Altitudinal zonation,11–13
American cuisine, 131
American identity, 229
Amish, 125
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 114
Anderson, Benedict, 235
Andes Mountains, 123, 258
Angle of repose, 363
Animal confinement, high density, 2–4, 5
Animal products, 4
Annuals of the Association of American
Geographers, 274
Antarctica, 60, 346
Antarctic air (AA), 10, 14
Antarctic Circle, 200
Antarctic Circumpolar Current, 244
Antecedent boundaries, 39
Anthropogenic deforestation, 92.
See alsoDeforestation
Anticline fold, 123
Antwerp, Belgium, 114
Apartheid, 321
Appalachian region, 125–26, 318
Aquatic biomes, 33–34
Aquifer, 165
Aral Sea, 248
Arctic air (A), 10, 14
Arctic Circle, 200
Arctic Express, 15
Ardrey, Robert, 340
Area, vs. region, 280
Areal differentiation,16–18, 69, 71
Argentina, 112, 191
Argon, 19
Aristotle, 115, 147, 250
Arizona, 122
Armenia, 191

Arreola, Daniel, 130
Asia: carrying capacity, 47; European
languages in, 187, 205; geopolitics, 148–49;
imperialism, 147; Infant Mortality Rate
(IMR), 261; MacKinder on, 149, 169–70;
monsoon, 231–33, 246; Oriental Region,
375; outsourcing, 152–53; pastoralism, 255;
Pleistocene Epoch, 91; religious syncretism,
283; rice production, 333; rural settlement,
289; saltwater lakes, 248; shifting
cultivation, 77; spice route, 114; transitory
livestock herding, 79
Assessmentreports, 158–59
Assimilation, 207
Association of American Geographers (AAG),
145, 274
Asthenosphere, 107
Asylum suburbs, 349, 352–53
Atacama, 95–96
Atlantic Ocean, 177, 244, 247, 257–58
Atmosphere,18–20; biogeochemical cycles,
28; boundaries and, 37; climate, 59–60;
Earth, 18, 105; fire, 358; humidity, 176;
soils, 310; stability of, 21
Atmospheric stability,21–23
Aubreville, 98
Australia, 95, 147, 280, 288–90, 292
Australian Region, 375, 375t
Austria, 190
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 190, 308
Automobile manufacturing, 2
Automobiles, 349, 351
Avalanches, 364
Avatar, 154
Ayers Rock, 292
Ayodhya, India, 291
Azerbaijan, 191

Babylonians, 48
Back to the city movement, 140
Bacon, Francis, 255
Bailey, Guy, 209
Balance of power concept, 236
Balkanization,25–27, 55, 87, 188, 308
Balkan Peninsula, 25, 308
Balkan Wars, 25

384 Index

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