Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1

Bangladesh, 180, 238–39
Barbwire fence, 162
Barchan dunes, 366
Barents Sea, 244
Barometric pressure, 175
Barrier islands, 179
Barrios, 269, 321–22, 354
Bar scale, 296–97
Basalt, 358–59
Basque region, 101
Batholiths, 358
Battle of Thermopylae, 58
Bays, 248
Beaches, 68
Beatles, 82
Behavioral geography, 225
Belarus, 296
Belgium, 185–86, 330
Bend, Oregon, 279
Benelux union, 330
Benguela Current, 59
Benthic zone, 33
Bergeron process, 263
Bering Strait, 247
Berkeley School, 83, 116–17, 197, 262
Berlin Conference, 186
Berry, Brian, 212, 274
Bhola typhoon, 239
Bhutan, 296
Biafra, 57
Biden, Joseph, 26–27
Bid-rent theory,27–28, 355
“Big Mac Index,” 270
Biogeochemical cycles, 19,28–31, 310
Biomes,31–37; climate, 61; grasslands, 160;
Ko ̈ppen system, 60; map of, 32i; rain shadow
effect, 278; zoogeographic regions, 374
Biomes of Earth, 32i
Biota, 312
Biotic resources, 240–41
Black Death, 238
Blizzards, 227
Blowouts, 365
Bluegrass music, 125–26
Boas, Franz, 84, 253
Bogardus Social Distance Scale, 309

Bon faith, 283–84
Boreal forest, 35, 133–34
Bosnia, 308
Bosporus Strait, 323–24, 324i
Boston Common, 345–46
Boston Weekly Messenger, 150
Boud, 360
Boundaries,37–40; balkanization, 25; buffer
zones, 37, 42; cartography, 50; Central Place
Theory, 54; centrifugal and centripetal
forces, 56; core and periphery, 74; cultural
diffusion, 38, 80; cultural identity, 86;
divergent, 258; electoral regions, 112;
friction of distance, 134; fronts, 135;
gerrymandering, 150; globalization, 152;
hinterland, 173; hydropolitics and, 39;
imperialism, 187; irredentism, 190;
Khaldun, 251; lingua franca, 205; linguistic
geography, 206; maps, 217; megalopolis,
223; migration, 38, 228; nation-state, 235;
natural, 38; push-pull concept, 270; region,
279; satellite state, 295; shatterbelt, 308;
spatial interaction models, 320; straits,
passages, and canals, 323; supranationalism,
329; territoriality, 37, 339; toponymy, 345;
von Thunen Model, 356; winds and pressure
systems, 369
Braided streams, 329
Brain cartography.SeeMental maps
Brain drain, 154
Brazil, 91, 112, 321
Break-of-bulk point,40–41, 110, 351–52
Brooklyn Bridge, 268i
Bryce Canyon National Park, 361
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 150
Bubonic plague, 238
Buddhism, 283
Buffer states, 42, 147
Buffer zone,40–43; boundaries and, 37, 42;
green belt, 162; Rimland theory, 287;
satellite state, 294; shatterbelt, 307
Bulgaria, 308
Bureau of the Census, U.S., 350
Burgess, Ernest, 266–67, 301
Burgess Concentric Ring model, 301
Burundi, 91

Index 385
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