Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1
CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding
Operations), 2–3, 5
California, 97i, 268
Canada: Alberta, 97; devolution, 102; Golden
Horseshoe, 163; permafrost, 312; Quebec,
102; rural settlement, 288, 290
Canals, 147, 203–4,322–25
Capital, and sustainability, 333–34
Capital flight.SeeCapital leakage
Capital leakage,45–46, 110
Carbonation, 362
Carbon cycle, 30
Carbon dioxide, 19, 30, 93, 158
Carbon monoxide, 19
Cargo cults, 347
Carrying capacity,46–47; cultural ecology, 46,
85; economic development, geography of,
110; Malthusian Theory, 46, 213; natural
resources, 241; sustainable development, 335
Cartersville, Georgia, 344
Cartography,47–53; computers and, 218–19;
Eratosthenes, 48; example of, 51i;
exploration and, 49–50; geographic
information systems (GIS), 52–53, 141;
global positioning system (GPS), 52, 157;
location, 209; map projections, 50, 219;
maps, 47, 216; mental maps, 224;
quantitative revolution, 275; scale, 50, 296;
steps in, 50–52; technology in, 52
Cascade Mountains, 278
Caspian Sea, 248
Catalonia, 101
Caverns, 195
CBR (Crude Birth Rate), 260
CDR (Crude Death Rate), 260
Celsius, 338
Central America: ocean currents, 244;
secondary cultural hearth, 88, 89; Treaty
of Tordesillas, 207
Central Business District (CBD), 27–28,
301–2, 349, 351, 352
Central Place Theory,53–55; distance decay,
54, 103; hinterland, 53, 174; location,
53–54, 211; quantitative revolution, 273;
spatial interaction models, 319;
urbanization, 350

Centrifugal forces,55–58; balkanization, 25;
core and periphery, 56, 73; cultural identity,
56, 87; devolution, 56, 100–101; lingua
franca, 205; primate city, 269; shatterbelt, 307
Centrifugal tendency, imperialism and, 188
Centripetal forces,55–58, 73, 87
Challenger Deep, 106
Changeover, 208
Cherokee language, 81
Cherrapunji, India, 232
Chicago, Illinois, 80, 352
Chicago School, 301, 305.See alsoUniversity
of Chicago
Chile, 110, 245
China: economic development, geography of,
112; ethnocentrism in, 118; flooding in, 238;
geomancy, 127–28; satellite states, 295;
Special Economic Zones (SEZ), 318;
Taiwan and, 191
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 20, 158
Choke point,58–59, 169–70, 323
Cholera, 222
Choropleth map, 218
Christaller, Walther, 53–55, 211, 273
Christianity, 186–87, 283, 291
Churchill, Winston, 81
Cinder cones, 359
Cirrocumulus clouds, 67
Cirrostratus clouds, 67
Cirrus clouds, 66–67
Civilization and Climate(Huntington, E.),
116, 117
Classical geopolitics, 150
Clearance model, 208
Clear-cutting, 241
Climate,59–63; global warming, 157–58;
maps, 61–62; ocean currents, 59, 243; soils,
61, 311; solar energy, 314, 315; typology,
62–63t; weathering and mass wasting, 361;
winds and pressure systems, 367;
zoogeographic regions, 373
Climate change.SeeGlobal warming
Climate maps, 61–62
Climate typology, 62–63t
Climatic regions, 61i
Climatological hazards, 238

386 Index

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