Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1

Clouds, 64i,64–67; atmospheric stability and,
21; cirrocumulus clouds, 67; cirrostratus
clouds, 67; cirrus clouds, 66–67;
classification of, 66; cumulonimbus clouds,
67; cumulus clouds, 64i, 67, 341; high
clouds, 66–67; hydrologic cycle, 181; low
clouds, 66; middle clouds, 66; precipitation,
263; stratus clouds, 64i
Cloud seeding, 264, 266
Coal, 240
Coastal desert, 96
Coastal erosion and deposition,67–69
Cohen, Saul, 147
Cold cloud process, 263
Cold front, 136
Cold War, 149–50, 294–96
College Fjord, Alaska, 64i
Colonialism, 185, 280
Color infrared photography, 284, 285t
Commercial grain farming, 78
Common land, 346
Common Market.SeeEuropean Economic
Community (EEC)
Comparative advantage,69–70,71
Complementarity,71–72, 281, 319
Composite volcanoes, 359
Compressional stress, 123
Computer cartography, 218–19
Concentric Zone Model, 28, 266
Condensation, 175
Conduction, 172
Confederate States of America, 121
Confederation, 121
Confined Animal Feeding Operations
(CAFOs), 2–3, 5
Confined water, zone of, 165
Conformal projection, 221–22
Congo Free State, 186
Contact zones, 347
Contagious diffusion, 81–82
Containment policy, 149, 288
Continental-continental collisions, 259
Continental polar air (cP), 9, 11i
Continental shelves, 179, 256
Continental tropical air (cT), 9, 11i

Convection, 65, 67, 172
Convectional storm, 340
Convergence, 258–59
Converging boundaries, 258
Cooling and heating,171–73
Coral coasts, 69
Coral reefs, 34
Core and periphery,72–74; centrifugal and
centripetal forces, 56, 73; cultural diffusion,
80; devolution, 100–101; hinterland, 72,
173; imperialism, 185; migration, 228;
primate city, 269; region, 279–80; spatial
inequality, 317; transculturation, 347; World
Systems Theory (WST), 72, 369
Core states, 370
Coriolis Effect, 14, 368
Corporate farming, 2–3
Corrosion, 327
Cottage industry, 371
Counter-urbanization, 353
cP (Continental polar air), 9, 11i
Creep, 364t, 365
Creole/Cajun cuisine, 130
Crime, 322
Critical geopolitics, 150
Croatia, 102
Croats, 56
Crude Birth Rate (CBR), 260
Crude Death Rate (CDR), 260
Crush zone, 307.See alsoShatterbelt
Crust, 107, 122
Crustal plates, 357
Crustal stress, 123
cT (Continental tropical air), 9, 11i
Cuba, 187, 283, 295–96
Cuban Missile Crisis, 295–96
Cultivation regions,77–79
Cultural adaptation, 85
Cultural determinism, 262
Cultural diffusion,79–82; boundaries and, 38,
80; core and periphery, 72, 74; culture
hearth, 79, 89; distance decay, 80, 103; folk
culture, 126; friction of distance, 134;
globalization, 79, 151; imperialism, 79–80,
186; linguistic geography, 206; religious

Index 387
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