Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1
syncretism, 79, 282; territoriality, 340;
transculturation, 347
Cultural ecology,82–85; carrying capacity, 46,
85; environmental determinism, 82–83, 117;
landscape, 85, 197; particularism, 254;
pastoralism, 254; possibilism, 83, 262;
sequent occupance, 84, 307
Cultural evolution, 253
Cultural geography: core and periphery, 74;
cultural ecology, 84–85; Hagerstrand and, 82
The Cultural Geography of the United States
(Zelinsky), 197–98
Cultural globalization, 152–53.See also
Cultural identity,85–87; balkanization and, 25;
cartography, 50; centrifugal and centripetal
forces, 56, 87; core and periphery, 74;
cultural diffusion, 80; cultural ecology, 85;
culture hearth, 89; foodways, 128;
globalization, 151–52; Khaldun, 251; lingua
franca, 205; linguistic geography, 206; map
projections, 221; megalopolis, 224; mental
maps, 225; nation-state, 87, 235; organic
theory, 251; particularism, 253; sacred
space, 86, 291; social distance, 309; territor-
iality, 86, 340; transculturation, 346; Turner
Thesis, 229
Cultural imperialism, 154, 188
Cultural landscape: irredentism, 190;
megalopolis, 224; particularism, 254
Culture hearth, 74, 79, 85,87–89
Cumulonimbus clouds, 67
Cumulus clouds, 64i, 67, 341
Cumulus stage of thunderstorms, 341
Cycle of erosion, 144
Cyprus, 332
Czechoslovakia, 190, 295

Dairy farming, 78
Dardanelles Straits, 323–24
Darwin, Charles, 115, 214, 250
Davis, William Morris, 117, 144–46
Dead Sea, 106
Deaths, from earthquakes, 109–10
Death Valley, California, 97i
Deciduous forests, 133

Deflation, 365
De Fuca, Juan, 257
De Gaulle, Charles, 330
Demilitarized zones, 42
Democratic Ideals and Reality(MacKinder), 170
Demographic transformation.SeeDemographic
transition model
Demographic transition model,93–95
Demography, 259
Denmark, 330
Department of Agriculture, U.S. (USDA),
313, 314t
Department of Defense, U.S., 155
Dependency theory, 188, 369–70
Deposition, 175, 193
Depositional forms, 68–69
Desert,95–98, 97i; biomes, 36; rural settlement,
289; wind erosion and deposition, 365; winds
and pressure systems, 369
Desertification,98–100, 110, 312
Determinists, 84
Developed nations, spatial inequality in, 318
Developing nations: agricultural mechanization,
7–8; capital leakage, 46; desertification, 100;
disparity with developed world, 110–11;
early industrial stage, 94; spatial inequality
in, 318; urbanization, 353–54; in World
Systems Theory, 370
Devolution, 25, 56,100–103, 307
Dewpoint temperature, 176
Dhavale, Dawn, 223
Dialects, 209
Dietary codes, 129–30
Differential heating, 367
Dikes, 358
Diseases, 237
Dissipating stage of thunderstorms, 341
Distance decay, 54, 80,103–4, 134, 319
Distance lapse rate.SeeDistance decay
Divergent boundaries, 258
Dokuchaev, V. V., 313
Doldrums, 368
Double-cropping, 77
Dourado, Fernao Vaz, 51i
Dowsing, 127

388 Index

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