Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1

Drainage basin, 326
Drainage divides, 326
Droughts, 264, 266
Dry conifer forests, 133
Dryline, 137
Durand Line, 26
Dust Bowl, 162, 312
Dutch East India Company, 114

E (Equatorial air), 10
Early expanding stage, 94
Early industrial stage, 94
Early warning systems, 143i
Earth,105–7; atmosphere of, 18, 105;
biogeochemical cycles, 28; cartography, 48;
climate, 59; clouds, 65–66; coastal erosion
and deposition, 69; complementarity, 71;
cryosphere, 74; deforestation, 91; desert, 96;
earthquakes, 108; equilibrium, 326; forests,
131; global positioning system (GPS), 155;
global warming, 158; grasslands, 160;
groundwater, 163; hydrologic cycle, 180;
latitude and longitude, 105, 200; map
projections, 220; migration, 228; monsoon,
230; natural hazards, 238; natural resources,
239; ocean currents, 243; oceans, 246–47;
orbit of, 300i; plate tectonics, 107, 255;
population, 261; rain shadow effect, 277;
region, 279; remote sensing, 284; satellite
images, 292; seasons, 298; sectors of the
economy, 302; soils, 310; solar energy, 315;
spatial inequality, 316; spatial interaction
models, 319; temperature, 337, 338;
territoriality, 339; thunderstorms, 342;
vulcanism, 357; wind erosion and
deposition, 366; winds and pressure systems,
368; zoogeographic regions, 373
The Earth as Modified by Human Action
(Marsh), 198
Earthflow, 364t
Earth Observation System satellites, 293
Earthquakes,108–10; monitoring and
measuring of, 107; natural hazards, 238;
plate tectonics, 108, 255; squatter
settlements, 321; vulcanism, 360;
weathering and mass wasting, 363

Earth resources satellites, 294
Earth Summit, 333
Easter Island, 92
Eastern Europe, 294–95
Economic capital, 333
Economic development, geography of,110–12;
break-of-bulk point, 40–41; complementar-
ity, 71–72; core and periphery, 72; friction of
distance, 134; spatial inequality, 316; World
Systems Theory (WST), 110, 369
Economic geography: agglomeration in, 1; core
and periphery, 72–73; hinterland, 174;
location, 210–11; locational analysis,
Economic globalization, 152–53
Economic incentives, 139
Economic inequality, 316–17
Economic integration, 330
Economic peace theory, 330
Economist, 270
Ecotone, 31
ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community),
Eddies, 327–28
Edge cities, 349, 351
Edge City(Garreau), 351
EEC (European Economic Community),
EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), 40, 204
Egypt, 81, 185
Ehrlich, Paul, 215–16
Eighty Years’ War, 236
Electoral College, 113
Electoral regions,112–13
Electromagnetic radiation, 172, 284
Elevation, 60
El Nin ̃o, 232, 246, 294
Emergent coastlines, 69
Empires, 185–86, 235–36.See also
Enclosure, 6–7
Enculturation, 118
Energy, sources of, 239–40
England.SeeGreat Britain
English language, 151–54, 205
Entrepoˆt,113–14, 174, 352

Index 389
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