Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1
Environmental determinism,114–17; cultural
ecology, 82–83, 117; cultural identity, 87;
ethnocentrism, 119; Heartland Theory, 170;
Huntington and, 117; Khaldun, 251;
landscape, 197; particularism, 253;
possibilism, 117, 262; sequent occupance,
307; Turner Thesis, 229
Environment Programme (UN), 158
EP (European Parliament), 331
Equal area projection, 221
Equator, 200
Equatorial air (E), 10
Equatorial Countercurrents, 243
Equilibrium, 326
Equinox, 299, 300i
Eratosthenes, 48–49
Erosion, 144–46, 193
Esperanto, 205
Essay on the Principle of Population(Malthus),
213, 215
Estuaries, 34
Ethiopian Region, 375, 375t
Ethnicity, foodways and, 129–30
Ethnocentrism,118–20; cultural ecology, 83;
demographic transition model, 95;
imperialism, 118, 185; nation-state, 236;
transculturation, 347
Ethnographic boundaries, 39
EU (European Union), 57, 155, 281, 329–32
Europe: Eastern, 294–95; rural settlement,
289–90; supranationalism, 329–30;
transhumance, 348
European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC),
European Constitution, 331
European Council, 331
European Economic Community (EEC),
European Greenbelt, 163
European languages, 187
European Parliament (EP), 331
European Union (EU), 57, 155, 281, 329–32
Evaporation, 175, 181
Evapotranspiration, 183
Excess vote strategy, 151
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), 40, 204

Expansion diffusion, 80, 81
Exploration, cartography and, 49–50

Factory farming, 2–4
Fahrenheit, 338
Falkland Islands, 191
Famine, 213–14, 238
Faulting, 108,122–24, 163, 255, 361
Favelas, 321
FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), 45
Febvre, Lucien, 262
Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA), 237
Federalism, 121
Federation,121–22, 297, 329
Feedlots, 79
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management
Agency), 237
Feng shui, 127–28
Ferdinand, Franz, 190
Finland, 294–95
Finlandization, 294–95
Fire, grasslands and, 161
Fire, vulcanism and, 358
Flash flooding, 343
Flatbread, 128–29
Flooding, 180, 238
Florida, 344
Folding, 108,122–24, 255
Folk culture,124–28, 197–98, 348
Folk medicine, 126–27
Folk tales, legends, beliefs, 125
Food and Agricultural Organization, 100, 132
Food production, 2–4, 213–15
Foodways, 126,128–31, 152
Forced migration, 230
Foreign Affairs, 149
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), 45
Forests,131–34, 133i
Formal region, 280
Fossil fuels, 239–40
Foucault, Michael, 198
France, 185–86
Franco, Francisco, 101
Frank, Andre Gunder, 369–70
Free port.SeeEntrepoˆt

390 Index

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