Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1

Free range movement, 5
Free riders, 346
Freezing rain, 264
Friction, 368
Friction of distance,134–35; distance decay,
103, 134; migration, 134, 229; push-pull
concept, 271; social distance, 309; spatial
interaction models, 319
Frontier Thesis, 229, 280
Fronts, 8, 65,135–37, 225
Functional region, 280

G-8 (Group of 8), 111–12, 153
G-20 (Group of 20), 112, 153
Galileo, 155
Gall, James, 221
Galton, Francis, 13
Galveston, Texas, 180
Gandhi, Mahatma, 371
Gangetic Plain, India, 88
Garreau, Joel, 351
Garrison, William Louis, 212
Geddes, Patrick, 262
Gellner, Ernest, 235
General Enclosure Act, 6
General maps, 217
Genghis Khan, 99
Gentrification,139–41, 301, 350, 353
“The Geographical Pivot of History”
(MacKinder), 169, 287
Geographical Review, 267
Geographic cycle, 144
The Geographic Distribution of Animals
(Wallace), 373–74
Geographic information systems (GIS),
141–44, 143i; cartography, 52–53, 141;
global positioning system (GPS), 143, 157;
locational analysis, 212; maps, 141, 218–19;
quantitative revolution, 275
The Geography of the Peace(Spykman), 286
Geohazards, 238
Geomancy, 127–28
Geomatics, 212
Geometric boundaries, 38–39
Geomorphology, 122,144–47, 326, 363
Geophagy, 127

Geopolitics,147–50; buffer zones, 42; choke
point, 58; emergence of, 116; Heartland
Theory, 148, 169; imperialism, 147, 185;
nation-state, 147, 236; natural resources,
147, 240; organic theory, 147, 250; Rimland
theory, 149, 286; satellite state, 294; shatter-
belt, 147, 307; straits, passages, and canals,
147, 323
Geopolitik, 116
Georgia, 26, 344
Geostationary Environmental Satellite
(GOES), 293
Geosynchronous satellites, 293
Germany, 149, 185–86, 190, 230, 236, 250, 288
Gerry, Eldbridge, 150
Gerrymandering, 112,150–51
Getis, Arthur, 274
Giddens, Anthony, 211
Gini coefficient, 317
Glacier National Park, 123
Glaciers, 75, 182
Glarus region, Switzerland, 123
Glassner, Martin, 339
Global commons, 346
Global Conveyor Belt, 245i
Global culture, 154
Globalization,151–55; cultural diffusion, 79,
151; culture hearth, 89; distance decay, 104;
economic, 152–53; economic development,
geography of, 110; folk culture, 128;
foodways, 130–31; imperialism, 151, 153,
187, 188; lingua franca, 154, 205–6; medical
geography, 222; region, 154, 281; spatial
inequality, 317–18; supranationalism, 329;
transculturation, 347; World Systems
Theory (WST), 154, 372
Global positioning system (GPS), 52, 143,
155–57, 157i, 222
Global Seismographic Network, 108
Global warming, 77,157–60, 247
GNP (Gross National Product) per capita, 269
Gobi desert, 96, 278
Godwin, William, 213
GOES (Geostationary Environmental
Satellite), 293

Index 391
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