Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1

Humid subtropical climate, 62–63t
Hungary, 295
Huntington, Ellsworth, 116, 117
Huntington, Samuel, 150, 308
Hurricane Katrina, 180
Hurricanes,177–80; anticyclones, 16; middle
latitude cyclone (MLC), 178, 225; natural
hazards, 238; satellite images, 293;
thunderstorms, 342; wind and pressure
systems, 367
Hutton, James, 144
Hydraulic force, 327
Hydrologic cycle,180–83, 182i; atmosphere
and, 18; biogeochemical cycles, 29; oceans,
180–81, 247; precipitation, 180–83, 263;
weathering and mass wasting, 362
Hydrolysis, 362
Hydrometer, 263
Hydropolitics, 39–40
Hydroponics, 3–4

“I-35 Corridor,” 223–24
Ice caps, 75
Ice shelves, 60
Iliad(Homer), 181
Illinois, 80, 352
Immigration, illegal, 121–22, 228
Imperialism,185–88; age of, 185, 187–88;
balkanization, 25; cultural, 154, 188;
cultural diffusion, 79–80, 186; economic
development, geography of, 111;
environmental determinism, 116;
ethnocentrism, 118, 185; geopolitics, 147,
185; globalization, 151, 153, 187, 188;
Heartland Theory, 169; hydropolitics and,
39–40; in Latin America, 147; lingua franca,
205; linguistic geography, 207;
mercantilism, 371; nation-state, 187, 236;
region, 187, 281; satellite state, 294; shat-
terbelt, 308; spatial inequality, 317; territor-
iality, 340; transculturation, 346; Turner
Thesis, 229; World Systems Theory (WST),
188, 370
IMR (Infant Mortality Rate), 111,188–89,
261, 317
Incentives, economic, 139

India: Ayodhya, 291; centrifugal and
centripetal forces, 56–57; Cherrapunji, 232;
English language in, 205; Gangetic Plain,
88; independence of, 236; irredentism, 191;
mercantilism, 371; migration, 230;
outsourcing, 152–53; spatial inequality, 318;
Treaty of Tordesillas, 207
Indian Ocean, 177, 247–48
Indian Ridge, 256
Indigenous peoples, 102, 185–86.See also
Native Americans
Indonesia, 91, 205
Indus River Valley, 88, 351
Industrialization, 370
Industrial Revolution, 3, 92, 215
Inequality, economic, 316–17
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), 111,188–89,
261, 317
Influenza pandemic, 238
Inner core, 107
Inner crescent, 170
Institut for Geopolitik, 149
Integration, economic, 330
Interfluves, 326
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), 158–59
Internal heat content, 173
International Dateline, 201
International tourism, 152
International Union of Soil Scientists, 313
Internet, 151, 153
The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes
(Meinig), 198
Intertidal zone, 33
Intertillage, 77
Intertropical Convergence Zone, 59, 231, 243,
343, 368–69
Intrusive vulcanism, 357–58
Inversions, 23
Ionosphere, 20
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change), 158–59
Iran, 323
Iraq, 26–27
Ireland, 195–96, 330
Irish Potato Famine, 7, 215

Index 393
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