Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1
Islam, 291
The Isolated State(Von Thunen), 355
Isostasy, 257
Italy, 190

Japan, 57, 185, 189
Jazz music, diffusion of, 80
Jefferson, Mark, 267
Jerusalem, 291
Jewish people, 129
Jordan-Bychkov, Terry, 74
Journal of Geography, 274
Judaism, 291

Kaplan, Robert, 150
Karst, 146,193–96, 195i, 362
Kashmir, 191
Kazakh people, 255
Kazakhstan, 73, 86i
Kelvin, 338
Kennan, George, 149
Kennedy, John, 295
Keynes, John Maynard, 215
Keynesian economics, 215
Khaldun, Ibn, 16, 115, 147, 250, 251
Kipling, Rudyard, 118
Kjellen, Rudolf, 115–16, 148, 251
Ko ̈ppen, Vladimir, 60–61
Ko ̈ppen system, 60–62, 61i, 95
Korean War, 42
Kosher food, 129
Kosmos(Humboldt), 17
Kosovo, 86–87, 102, 237, 291, 308
Kroeber, Alfred, 83, 253
Kurds, 26–27
Kyrgyz people, 255

Lagoons, 179
Lahars, 360
Lake effect snow, 9
Lake Geneva, 258i
Lamaism, 283–84
Lambert’s equal area projection, 221
Land-based biomes, 33, 34–35
Land power, vs. sea power, 169

Land rent, 356
Landsat satellites, 293
Landscape,197–99; boundaries and, 38;
cultural ecology, 85, 197; cultural identity,
87; fronts, 135; geomancy, 127;
globalization, 152; imperialism, 187; karst,
193; location, 197, 210; locational analysis,
212; maps, 217; possibilism, 263;
quantitative revolution, 198, 275; rain
shadow effect, 277; rural settlement, 289;
sequent occupance, 307; spatial inequality,
316; spatial interaction models, 319; stream
erosion and deposition, 325; toponymy,
197–98, 344; urban decentralization, 349;
urbanization, 350; von Thunen Model, 355;
wind erosion and deposition, 365–66
Landscape ecology, 199
Landslide, 364, 364t
Land subsidence, 166–67
Land tenure, 6–7
Land valuation, 27
Lang, Robert, 223
Language, 85, 87.See alsoLinguistic geography
Language region, 206
La Nin ̃a, 246
Late expanding stage, 94
Latent heat, 175
Latin America: economic development,
geography of, 111; European languages in,
187; imperialism, 147; religious syncretism,
283; rural settlement, 289–90; shifting
cultivation, 77; squatter settlements, 321–22
Latin language, 206
Latitude and longitude,199–202; cartography,
49; climate, 59; Earth, 105, 200;
Eratosthenes and, 48–49; location, 210; map
projections, 219; ocean currents, 243
Lava, 359–60
Lava domes, 359
Law of the Sea, 40,202–4, 256, 323
Lawrence, Amos Adams, 344
Lawrence, Kansas, 344
LDCs (Lesser-developed countries), 110–11
League of Nations, 202–3
Leaning Tower of Pisa, 167
Lebanon, 92, 296

394 Index

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