Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1
Medical geography,222–23
Mediterranean agriculture, 78
Mediterranean biome, 36
Mediterranean climate, 62t
Mediterranean forests, 133
Megalopolis,223–24, 268, 350, 353
Meinig, Donald, 197–98, 275
Mein Kampf(Hitler), 149
Mendanhall Glacier, 76i
Mental maps, 216,224–25, 282
Mercalli scale, 109
Mercantilism, 111, 113, 147, 281, 371
Mercator, Gerardus, 49, 220
Mercator projections, 50, 220–21
Meridians, 201
Mesopotamia, 81, 88–89
Mesoscale convective complexes, 343
Mesosphere, 20
Metallic ores, 240
Methane, 158
Methodologies, 273
Mexico City, 268, 269, 354
Michener, James, 282
Microwave sensors, 285, 285t
Middle clouds, 66
Middle East: rural settlement, 289; shatterbelts,
307–8; Strait of Hormuz, 58, 323; transitory
livestock herding, 79
Middle latitude cyclone (MLC),225–27;
anticyclones, 15; desert, 96; fronts, 135;
hurricanes, 178, 225; maritime polar air
(cP), 9; precipitation, 265; satellite images,
293; winds and pressure systems, 368
Middle latitude desert, 62t, 96
Middle latitude grasslands, 160
Middle latitude steppe, 62t
Migration,228–30; boundaries and, 38, 228;
economic development, geography of, 110;
federation, 121–22; forced, 230; friction of
distance, 134, 229; globalization, 152;
pastoralism, 254; population, 228, 260;
push-pull concept, 228–29, 270; segregation,
305; social distance, 309; spatial inequality,
316–17; spatial interaction models, 319;
squatter settlements, 321; transhumance,
347–48; urbanization, 352

Military geography, 58
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 344
Mineral rights, 256
Mixed farming and livestock, 79
Mohenjo Daro, 351
Mollweide’s equal area projection, 221
Mongolia, 295
Mongols, 99
Monocline fold, 123
Monsoon, 23,230–33, 246, 343
Monsoon forest, 132
Montesquieu, Charles, 115, 116
Montreux Convention, 324
Morgan, Lewis Henry, 253
“The Morphology of Landscape” (Sauer),
83, 197
Mother Language Day, 208i
Mountains: Allegheny, 123; Andes, 123, 258;
Cascade, 278; Fuji, 292; Mt. Everest, 106;
Mt. St. Helens, 360; Olympic, 277–78
Mount Fuji, 292
mP (Maritime polar air), 9, 11i
mT (Maritime tropical air), 9, 11i
Mt. Everest, 106
Mt. St. Helens, 360
Mudflow, 364t
Multinational companies, 152
Multispectral remote sensing, 285t, 286, 292
Munich School, 149
Music, 80, 125–26, 152
Music video, 152

Nagorno Karabakh, 191
Namib desert, 59, 96
National Council for Geographic
Education, 274
National Geographic Magazine, 274
National Geographic Society, 144, 274
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, U.S. (NOAA), 176, 293
National Weather Service, U.S., 265, 342
Nation-state,235–37; balkanization of, 25;
centrifugal and centripetal forces, 55;
cultural identity, 87, 235; devolution, 101;
geopolitics, 147, 236; imperialism, 187, 236;
irredentism, 190; landscape, 197; lingua

396 Index

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