Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1

franca, 205; mental maps, 225; migration,
228; region, 236, 279, 281; supranational-
ism, 237, 331; sustainable development,
335; territoriality, 235, 339; transculturation,
347; urbanization, 350; World Systems
Theory (WST), 370
Native Americans, 161–62, 207, 344.
See alsoIndigenous peoples
Natural boundaries, 38
Natural capital, 334
Natural disaster, 237–38, 321–22
Natural gas, 240
Natural hazards,237–39, 271, 321
Natural resources,239–41; geopolitics, 147,
240; imperialism, 185; location, 210, 240;
population, 241, 261; sectors of the
economy, 303; sustainable development,
241, 332; urbanization, 350; vulcanism, 359
Natural selection, 115
The Nature of Geography(Hartshorne), 17
Navigation, 201–2
Nazi Party, 116, 148, 236, 250
Nearctic Region, 374, 375t
Neighborhood effect, 82
Neo-Malthusianism, 215, 261.See also
Malthusian Theory
Neotropical Region, 374, 375t
Netherlands, 114, 202, 330
Net primary productivity (NPP), 29
Neutral coastlines, 69
New Imperialism, 185
New Mexico, 97
New Orleans, 80
“New Soviet Man,” 87
Newton, Isaac, 103, 319
New York City, 268i, 268–69
New Zealand Region, 375
Nigeria, 57, 205
Nile River Valley, 88–89
Nitrogen, 19
Nitrogen cycle, 30
Nitrogen dioxide, 19
Nitrous oxides, 158
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, U.S.), 176, 293
Nodal region, 280

No-fly zones, 42
Non-renewable resources, 240
Normal fault, 124
North America, 147, 280, 289–90
North American air mass source regions, 11i
North Atlantic Drift, 244
North Atlantic Ocean, 246
Northern Hemisphere, 200, 299
North Pole, 201, 338
North-South divide, 111–12
Norwegian Current, 244
NPP (Net primary productivity), 29
Nubian aquifer, 165
Nunavut, 102

Oases, 166
Oasis, 98
Occluded front, 136–37
Ocean currents, 59,243–46, 247
Oceanic gyres, 243
Oceans,246–50; biogeochemical cycles, 28;
biomes, 33; hydrologic cycle, 180–81, 247;
seawater, 249; tides, 248
Ogallala aquifer, 165
Olympic Mountains, 277–78
Oman, 323
Oregon, 279
Organic farming, 4–5
Organic theory, 147, 170, 190,250–51,
253, 262
Oriental Region, 375, 375t
Orographic effect, 65, 277
Ortelius, Abraham, 255
Ortiz, Fernando, 347
Ottoman Empire, 236, 308
Outer Banks, 179
Outer core, 106, 107
Outer crescent, 170
Outsourcing, 152–53, 155
Overpopulation, 214
Overthrust fault, 124
Overthrust fold, 123
Overturned fold, 123
Oxidation, 362
Oxygen, 19, 29–30
Ozone, 19

Index 397
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