Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1
RF (Representative fraction), 297
RGS (Royal Geographical Society), 148,
169, 274
Rhineland, 190
Ricardo, David, 69–70, 214
Rice paddy cultivation, 77
Richter scale, 109
Rimland theory, 73, 149, 171,286–88
Rio de Janeiro, 353i
Risorgimento, 190
Ritter, Carl, 17, 148
Rock, 361–64
Rockefeller Foundation, 333
Rockfalls, 364, 364t
Rocks, structure of, 146
Roman Catholic Church, 283
Roman Empire, 235
Romanian language, 209
Roots, 77–78
Ross Ice Shelf, 60
Rotation, 299
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 213
Royal Geographical Society (RGS), 148,
169, 274
Royal Observatory, 201
Rubber, 239
Runoff water, 327
Rural settlement, 134,288–90, 318
Russia: Georgia and, 26; GLONASS, 155;
MacKinder on, 169–70; permafrost, 312;
rural settlement, 289; Spykman on, 287.
See alsoSoviet Union

S (secondary) waves, 108
Sack, Robert, 340
Sacred space, 86, 199, 282,291–92, 292i, 340
Saffir-Simpson scale, 178t, 180
Sahara desert, 95, 99
Sahel region, Africa, 46–47, 99–100, 335
Saltation, 365
Salt wedging, 362
San Andreas Fault, 124
Sand dunes, 96–97, 366
Sands, 365–66
San Francisco earthquake, 109
Sanitation, 321

Santeria, 283, 283i, 347
Sao Paulo City Green Belt Biosphere
Preserve, 163
Satellite images, 244,292–94
Satellites, 156, 157i
Satellite state,294–96
Saturation, 175
Saturation, zone of, 164–65
Sauer, Carl, 83, 116–17, 197, 199, 253–54,
262, 306
Scale,296–97; cartography, 50, 296; economic
development, geography of, 110; foodways,
128; geographic information systems (GIS),
143; geopolitics, 147; globalization, 151;
landscape, 199; map projections, 220; maps,
216–17, 296; natural hazards, 238;
population, 259; region, 279; sectors of the
economy, 302; spatial inequality, 317;
urbanization, 350–51; World Systems
Theory (WST), 372
Schengen area, 331
Schuman, Robert, 330
Scotland, 55–56, 101
Sea ice, 75
Sea level, 179
Seals, 346
Sea power vs. land power, 169
Seas, 248.See alsoOceans
Seasons,298–301, 316, 369
Seawater, 249
Secondary cultural hearth, 88, 89
Secondary sector, 303
Sector Model, 111i, 266,301–2, 352
Sectors of the economy,302–5, 370
Sedimentary rock, 123
Segregation,305–6, 309, 316, 321
Seif dunes, 366
Seismometers, 108
Semi-periphery, 371–72
Semi-permanent anticyclones, 15–16
Semple, Ellen Churchill, 116, 119
Sense of place, 211
Sequent occupance, 84, 254, 262,306–7, 344
Sequoia, 81
Serbo-Bulgarian War, 25
Serbs/Serbia, 56, 86–87, 102, 291

400 Index

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