Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1

Service sector, 303–4
Severe thunderstorms, 343
SEZ (Special Economic Zones), 318
Shanty towns, 321
Shatterbelt, 25, 147, 171, 190, 230,307–8
Shear stress, 122
Shield volcanoes, 359
Shifting cultivation, 77
Shiite community in Iraq, 26–27
Shinto, 292
Shortridge, Barbara, 128
Shortridge, Pete, 128
Siberia, 346
Siberian Express, 15
Silts, 365–66
Single European Act, 330
Sinkhole, 194, 196
Sjoberg, Gideon, 266, 352
Sjoberg Model.SeePreindustrial city model
Slash and burn agriculture, 77
Sleet, 264
Slovenia, 102
Slump, 364t
Smallpox, 238
Smith, Adam, 213
Smith, Neil, 140
Smith, Roswell, 119
Snider-Pelligrini, Antonio, 255
Snow, 264, 265
Snow, John, 222
Snow cover, 75
Social capital, 333–34
Social Darwinism, 115, 250, 253, 306
Social distance,309–10, 316
Social morale model, 207–8
Social networking, 154
Soil creep, 364
Soil evolution, 312
Soil orders, 311i
Soils,310–14; climate, 61, 311; global regions
of, 311i; hydrologic cycle, 183; Ko ̈ppen
system, 60; moisture in, 183; USDA
taxonomy world soil orders, 313, 314t
Solar declination, 299
Solar energy,314–16; atmosphere, 20;
biogeochemical cycles, 28; clouds, 64;

cryosphere, 74; heating and cooling, 171;
hydrologic cycle, 180, 181
Solifluction, 364t
Solstice, 299, 300i
Solum, 310
Sonar, 285, 285t
Soul food, 126, 129–30
South Africa, 112, 240, 290, 321
South America, 91, 207, 221
South Asia.SeeAsia
South China Sea, 248
Southeast Asia.SeeAsia
South Equatorial Current, 245
Southern Hemisphere, 200
Southern Oscillation, 246
South Ossetia, 26
South Pacific Ocean, 177
South Pole, 201, 338
Southwest, American, 182, 232–33
Soviet Union, 56, 87, 295–96.See alsoRussia
Spain, 101, 187, 207, 236
Spanish-American War, 187
Spatial analysis, 110–11
Spatial inequality, 71, 112,316–18
Spatial interaction, 72, 319
Spatial interaction models, 103,318–20
Special Economic Zones (SEZ), 318
Spice trade, 114
Sprachbund, 208–9
Spykman, Nicholas, 149–50, 171, 286–88
Squatter settlements, 228,320–22
Stability, atmospheric,21–23
Stacking, 151
The State as an Organism(Kjellen), 115–16,
148, 251
Steel plow, invention of, 162
Steward, Julian, 84
Stimulus diffusion, 81
Storminess, 59–60
Storm surges, 179–80
Strabo, 16, 115
Strait of Gibraltar, 324–25
Strait of Hormuz, 58, 323
Strait of Malacca, 324–25
Straits, 147, 203–4,322–25
Stratosphere, 20

Index 401
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