Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1

Thunderstorms, 22, 67,340–44, 342i
Tibet, 283
Tibetan Plateau, 231
Tides, 248
Tierra caliente, 11–12
Tierra fria, 11–12, 13
Tierra helada, 12, 13
Tierra nevada, 12, 13
Tierra templada, 11–13
Tigris-Euphrates River Valley, 81, 88–89
Time, geomorphology and, 146–47
Time zones, 201
Tipping bucket gauge, 265
Tito, Josef, 102
Toal, Gerald, 150
Tobler, Waldo, 103, 274
Topographic blockage, 60
Topography, 312
Toponymy, 197–98, 209, 223–24, 307,344–45
Topsoil, 310
Total Fertility Rate (TFR), 260–61
Tourism, international, 152
Tourism geography, 47
Tower karst, 194, 195i
Toynbee, Arnold, 119
Traction, 365
Tragedy of the commons,345–46
Transactions of the Institute of British
Geographers, 274
Trans-Alaskan Pipeline, 76
Transform fault, 124
Transhumance, 254,347–48
Transitory livestock herding, 78–79
Transportation, 355–57
Transportation principle, 55
Trans-Siberian Railroad, 169–70
Transverse dunes, 367
Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation
and Mutual Assistance, 295
Treaty of Paris, 329
Treaty of Rome, 329, 330
Treaty of Tordesillas, 207
Tropical deciduous forest, 132
Tropical forests, 132

Tropical monsoon, 62t
Tropical rainforest, 36–37, 62t, 132
Tropical savanna, 36, 160
Tropical waves, 177
Tropical wet-and-dry climate, 62t
Tropic of Cancer, 200, 299
Tropic of Capricorn, 200, 299
Troposphere, 20, 66, 67, 231
Truck farming, 78
Truman Doctrine, 149
Truman Proclamation, 203
Tull, Jethro, 6
Tundra, 35, 63t, 76–77
Turkey, 236, 269, 331–32
Turkish Straits, 323–24
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 229
Turner Thesis, 87, 229, 280
Typology of climate, 62–63t

Ukraine, 125
Ultraviolet radiation, 316
Uluru, 292
UNASUR (Union of South American
Nations), 332
Unclaimed territory, 280
UNESCO (United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization), 199
Uniformitarianism, 144
Union of South American Nations
(UNASUR), 332
United Kingdom.SeeGreat Britain
United Nations, 100, 158, 203, 333, 350
United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Sea (UNCLOS I, II, III), 203–4
United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 199
United States: Appalachian region, 125–26,
318; deforestation, 92; electoral regions,
112–13; empire of, 185–86, 187;
gerrymandering,150–51; Great Lakes, 9,
318; Great Plains, 22, 160–62, 312; Infant
Mortality Rate (IMR), 189; migration to,

Index 403
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