Encyclopedia of Geography Terms, Themes, and Concepts

(Barré) #1
229–30; Native Americans, 161–62, 207,
344; rural settlement, 288, 290; segregation,
305–6; Southwest, 182, 232–33; spatial
inequality in, 318; in World Systems
Theory, 370
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), 49, 210
University of Chicago, 262, 273
University of Washington, 274
Ural Mountains, 123
Urban corridor.SeeMegalopolis
Urban decentralization,349–50, 351
Urban geography, 1, 210, 211–12,266–67
Urbanization,350–54, 353i; biomes, 33;
Concentric Zone Model of, 28; Malthusian
Theory, 215; megalopolis, 223; primate
city, 269
Urban morphology, Burgess model of, 267
Urban renewal, 140.See alsoGentrification
Urban sprawl, 350
USDA (Department of Agriculture, U.S.),
313, 314t
USDA taxonomy world soil orders, 314t
U.S. Geological Survey, 144
U.S. Soil Taxonomy, 313
UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator), 49, 210
Uzbekistan, 128–29

Valley bottoms, 326
“Valley of the Sun,” 224
Valley sides, 326
Van Loon, Hendrick, 119
Van Loon’s Geography(Van Loon), 119
Vector data, 144
Verbal scale, 296
Vertical development, clouds with, 67
Vine, Fred, 256–57
Volcanism, 357
Von Bismarck, Otto, 186
Von Thunen, Johann Heinrich, 210, 355–57
Von Thunen Model, 27,355–57; distance
decay, 103; friction of distance, 134;
location, 210, 355; locational analysis,
211–12, 355; quantitative revolution, 273
Voodoo, 347
Vulcanism, 258,357–60

Wakhan Corridor, 42
Wales, 101
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 373–74, 375t
Wallerstein, Immanuel, 72, 369–70
Warm cloud process, 263
Warm front, 136
War of Spanish Succession, 324
War on Terrorism, 26
Warsaw Pact, 295
Washington, D.C., 140
Wasted vote strategy, 151
Water, 39, 173, 193–94, 240, 289
Waterless zone, 165
Water table, 327
Water vapor, 19, 65–66,174–77, 181, 277
Water witching, 127
Wavelengths, 315
Weathering and mass wasting,361–64;
classification of, 364t; coastal erosion and
deposition, 68; geomorphology, 146;
groundwater, 163; stream erosion and
deposition, 327; wind erosion and
deposition, 366
Weather mapping, 136
Weather modification, 264
Weather satellites, 294
Wegener, Alfred, 256
Westphalian system, 236
Whale oil, 239
White, Leslie, 84
White flight, 305–6
White man’s burden, 186
The White Man’s Burden(Kipling), 118
Whittlesey, Derwent, 306
Wikle, Tom, 209
Wind and pressure systems, 21,367–69
Wind damage, 180
Wind energy, 181
Wind erosion and deposition,364–67
Wind shear, 343
Winter anticyclones, 15
Withers, Charles, 207–8
Wood, 240, 241
World Heritage Program, 199
World Island, 170–71

404 Index

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