228 Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance
References and Further Reading
Barrett, JW, Moore, G & Wilmott, P 1992 Inelegant efficiency.
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Halton, JH 1960 On the efficiency of certain quasi-random
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Hammersley, JM & Handscomb, DC 1964Monte Carlo Methods.
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Haselgrove, CB 1961 A method for numerical integration.Math-
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Jackel, P 2002 ̈ Monte Carlo Methods in Finance. John Wiley &
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Ninomiya, S & Tezuka, S 1996 Toward real-time pricing of
complex financial derivatives.Applied Mathematical Finance
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Paskov 1996 New methodologies for valuing derivatives. In
Mathematics of Derivative Securities(Eds Pliska, SR and
Dempster, M)
Paskov, SH & Traub, JF 1995 Faster valuation of financial
derivatives.Journal of Portfolio ManagementFall 113–120
Press, WH, Flannery, BP, Teukolsky, SA & Vetterling, WT 1992
Numerical Recipes in C. Cambridge University Press
Sloan, IH & Walsh, L 1990 A computer search of rank two
lattice rules for multidimensional quadrature.Mathematics of
Computation 54 281–302