Chapter 5: Models and Equations 291
Two-factor models
In the two-factor models there are two sources of ran-
domness, allowing a much richer structure of theoretical
yield curves than can be achieved by single-factor mod-
els. Often, but not always, one of the factors is still the
spot rate.
Brennan and Schwartz In the Brennan & Schwartz model
the risk-neutral spot rate process is
dr=(a 1 +b 1 (l−r))dt+σ 1 rdX 1
and the long rate satisfies
dl=l(a 2 −b 2 r+c 2 l)dt+σ 2 ldX 2.
Fong and Vasicek Fong & Vasicek consider the following
model for risk-neutral variables
ξdX 1
ξdX 2.
Thus they model the spot rate, andξthe square root of
the volatility of the spot rate.
Longstaff and Schwartz Longstaff & Schwartz consider the
following model for risk-neutral variables
xdX 1
ydX 2 ,
where the spot interest rate is given by