46 Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance
the index falls by 10% XYZ will fall by 12%. The crash
coefficient therefore allows a portfolio with many under-
lyings to be interpreted during a crash as a portfolio
on a single underlying, the index. We therefore consider
the worst case of
δ=F(δS 1 ,...,δSN)=F(κ 1 xS 1 ,...,κNxSN)
as our measure of downside risk.
Again Platinum Hedging can be applied when we have
many underlyings. We must consider the worst case of
δ=F(κ 1 xS 1 ,...,κNxSN)+
k= 1
λkFk(κ 1 xS 1 ,...,κNxSN)
k= 1
whereFis the original portfolio and theFksare the
available hedging contracts.
CrashMetrics is very robust because
- it does not use unstable parameters such as
volatilities or correlations
- it does not rely on probabilities, instead considers
worst cases
CrashMetrics is a good risk tool because
- it is very simple and fast to implement
- it can be used to optimize portfolio insurance against
market crashes
CrashMetrics is used for
- analyzing derivatives portfolios under the threat of a
- optimizing portfolio insurance