72 Frequently Asked Questions In Quantitative Finance
generally, if the investment has an expected return of
μand a standard deviationσμthen the expected
growth for an investment fraction offis
which can be approximated by Taylor series
fφ−^12 f^2 φ^2 +···.
The Kelly fraction, which comes from maximizing this
expression, is therefore
In practice, because the mean and standard deviation
are rarely known accurately, one would err on the side
of caution and bet a smaller fraction. A common choice
ishalf Kelly.
Other money management strategies are, of course,
possible, involving target wealth, probability of ruin, etc.
References and Further Reading
Kelly, JL 1956 A new interpretation of information rate.Bell
Systems Tech. J. 35 917–926
Poundstone, W 2005Fortune’s Formula. Hill & Wang