Reverse Engineering for Beginners

(avery) #1


000000F8 03 00 MOVS R3, R0
000000FA 06 F0 69 F8 BL __ARM_common_switch8_thumb ; switch 6 cases

000000FE 05 DCB 5
000000FF 04 06 08 0A 0C 10 DCB 4, 6, 8, 0xA, 0xC, 0x10 ; jump table for switch statement
00000105 00 ALIGN 2
00000106 zero_case ; CODE XREF: f2+4
00000106 8D A0 ADR R0, aZero ; jumptable 000000FA case 0
00000108 06 E0 B loc_118

0000010A one_case ; CODE XREF: f2+4
0000010A 8E A0 ADR R0, aOne ; jumptable 000000FA case 1
0000010C 04 E0 B loc_118

0000010E two_case ; CODE XREF: f2+4
0000010E 8F A0 ADR R0, aTwo ; jumptable 000000FA case 2
00000110 02 E0 B loc_118

00000112 three_case ; CODE XREF: f2+4
00000112 90 A0 ADR R0, aThree ; jumptable 000000FA case 3
00000114 00 E0 B loc_118

00000116 four_case ; CODE XREF: f2+4
00000116 91 A0 ADR R0, aFour ; jumptable 000000FA case 4
00000118 loc_118 ; CODE XREF: f2+12
00000118 ; f2+16
00000118 06 F0 6A F8 BL __2printf
0000011C 10 BD POP {R4,PC}

0000011E default_case ; CODE XREF: f2+4
0000011E 82 A0 ADR R0, aSomethingUnkno ; jumptable 000000FA default case
00000120 FA E7 B loc_118

000061D0 EXPORT __ARM_common_switch8_thumb
000061D0 __ARM_common_switch8_thumb ; CODE XREF: example6_f2+4
000061D0 78 47 BX PC

000061D2 00 00 ALIGN 4
000061D2 ; End of function ARM_common_switch8_thumb
000061D4 32ARM_common_switch8_thumb ; CODE XREF: ⤦
000061D4 01 C0 5E E5 LDRB R12, [LR,#-1]
000061D8 0C 00 53 E1 CMP R3, R12
000061DC 0C 30 DE 27 LDRCSB R3, [LR,R12]
000061E0 03 30 DE 37 LDRCCB R3, [LR,R3]
000061E4 83 C0 8E E0 ADD R12, LR, R3,LSL#1
000061E8 1C FF 2F E1 BX R12
000061E8 ; End of function 32ARM_common_switch8_thumb

One cannot be sure that all instructions in Thumb and Thumb-2 modes has the same size. It can even be said that in these
modes the instructions have variable lengths, just like in x86.

So there is a special table added that contains information about how much cases are there (not including default-case), and
an offset for each with a label to which control must be passed in the corresponding case.

A special function is present here in order to deal with the table and pass control, named__ARM_common_switch8_thumb. It
starts withBX PC, whose function is to switch the processor to ARM-mode. Then you see the function for table processing.
It is too complex to describe it here now, so let’s omit it.

It is interesting to note that the function uses theLRregister as a pointer to the table. Indeed, after calling of this function,
LRcontains the address afterBL __ARM_common_switch8_thumb instruction, where the table starts.

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